Put Your Hands Up

I have a beautiful 12-year-old daughter who looks as if she’s going on 19.  I don’t know what happened, but it’s like I went to sleep one night with a baby girl by my side and the very next morning I woke up to a young lady who is madly in love with Justin Bieber, obsessed with what to wear and could never have enough colors of nail polish.  Now all of a sudden I find myself in panic mode to make sure she knows “enough” about Jesus and that her identity is completely emerged in Christ and not in any way shape or form what others say about who she is.  In my typical control freak nature, I’ve tried to have conversations (more like manipulations) with her to clarify who she really is and what she really believes.

So just last week I said, “Meg who do you think healed me from cancer?” and with a dumb founded expression she rolled her eyes and said “duh Mom, Jesus!”  I have to admit I felt pretty stupid and yet a burst of relief all at the same time.  That’s when I realized again we do not have to push our beliefs on others, but to simply allow others to observe our lives and decide for themselves.

As a Women’s Christian Life Coach, I have many clients that have husbands or loved ones that are not followers of Christ and they struggle with holding their tongue and waiting patiently for God to move in their lives.  But what I’ve recently learned in scripture is that “Often we look for God’s glorious acts without concern for following his instructions” NIV Study Bible.  My point being is that we must continue every day to patiently TRUST God in a posture of obedience with our lives.   What does that look like for you?  For me personally it starts with meeting the Lord on my knees in the early morning hours or putting my hands up to praise Him in worship.  It’s funny how our postures show exactly what we are feeling internally.  I would like to encourage you the next time you meet with God to notice how you are approaching His throne.  Does your posture reflect His instructions for your life?  Does it show the ultimate love you want so desperately for others to believe?

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16 thoughts on “Put Your Hands Up

  1. Great post, Linda! Thanks for sharing. It seems a lot of teenagers are obssessed with Justin Bieber nowadays. It was Scott Baio back in my younger days. I never thought to notice my posture when I go before the throne of God but will have to consider that point in the future. GBU!

  2. Great word! Thanks for the encouragement this morning! I can so relate as my older children are 20 and 16. “Typical control freak nature” could often be used to describe me as well. I’m putting my hands up! 🙂

  3. This is my favorite, and most convicting part: “Often we look for God’s glorious acts without concern for following his instructions”.
    I try, so hard, to obey God and follow His instructions, but often I get in my own way. Over-analyzing or rationalizing things. Leaning on my understanding so to speak.
    My posture of obedience is turning to Him often during the day and seeking Him in this very busy phase of my life. Thank you for sharing! I love this!

    • Thank you Jennifer! When I read that part in my study bible it was such an eye opener. As I tell my clients often, just take it one day at a time. God bless you!! 🙂

  4. Thank you for the reminder of our posture. Oh, I can so identify with where you are in parenting. I have two girls 11 and 8 who I sooooo want to have a heart for God. I have recently recomitted to my early morning quiet times and I must say, posture makes a huge difference! I enjoyed meeting you at She SPeaks Intensive

    • Katina, I enjoyed meeting you as well! I hope you are moving forward with everything since attending She Speaks Intensive. Congrats on getting recommitted to your quiet time 🙂

  5. Linda I love your tidbits! I struggled with wondering why God wasn’t bringing my husband to him for a long time. I recently came to realize I just got to do what I am called to do and leave the rest up to God. It was such a HUGE relief once I came to that realization, I still struggle sometimes but I am constantly reminded to stay on my path and His course. Thank you for reminding me today! Love you!

    • Thank you Amanda! What a huge blessing that God brought such peace in this area of your life with your husband. It’s just so amazing when we let go how God shows up every time!! Love you too!!!

  6. Another great blog, Linda. [“Often we look for God’s glorious acts without concern for following his instructions” NIV Study Bible. My point being is that we must continue every day to patiently TRUST God in a posture of obedience with our lives.] That is so powerful and so true! That reminds me of when we try to teach our children to apologize and they say ‘I’m sorry’ in that haphazard manner they sometimes have. What do we say? ‘Say it, again, and this time like you mean it.’ How like our children we must seem to God when we pray and praise in that same manner. Thank you so much for that reminder today!

  7. Have to admit, I’ve let past bitterness and new life “issues” keep me from holding my tongue and waiting patiently. I’m not perfect and have been reminded of that lately. So desperately want to crawl under a rock sometimes when this is pointed out to me. Glad I am learning to rely on God’s grace while He is working in me. I hope to reflect that love to everyone one day, especially those in my home.

    • Mary, I know exactly how you feel when God speaks something and you get that ouch feeling in your spirit. You have a beautiful heart and I trust God will continue to move you forward in this area of your life. God bless you!

  8. “Often we look for God’s glorious acts without concern for following his instructions” NIV Study Bible. My point being is that we must continue every day to patiently TRUST God in a posture of obedience with our lives.”

    I loved your blog post Linda. What a reminder that we can’t sit still while we are looking for God to work in our lives. We need to create a posture that reveres the Lord in every situation and with every breath we breathe. It’s not just about how we come to throne on Sunday but on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. At work. At church. At home. In traffic. He wants us to be obedient to Him whenever he calls but we can’t do that if we haven’t created a space in our hearts and our lives that is open to Him.

    Kristi Seat
    OBS Leadership Team

  9. Linda this is really good.Thank you for this.I would love for my husband to join me to church so I just pray about it. I have noticed he will post prayers on his FB page now so that makes me happy.

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