I’m not alone in this…

What words of encouragement do you need to hear when you’re having a bad day?

What I would like to hear is, it’s ok to eat that candy bar or pizza, but really that’s not going to help me.

The words I really need to hear are words of compassion, not only from someone else, but from myself. Words like, you’re not alone in this, everyone struggles, or would you consider offering yourself some compassion in this moment?

This month I’m focusing on self-compassion on my blog. After asking my friends on Facebook on a scale from 1 – 10 how hard are you on yourself? 10 being extremely hard, the response I received was incredible. Everyone is so hard on themselves. Friends, we are not alone in this.

I invite you on my blog and to follow me on social media at #mycompassioncoach as we learn and practice self-compassion together. Will you join me?

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Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the coaching experience.



Join me over at Holley Gerth’s blog hop Wednesday and be sure to check out her newly released book You’re Going to Be Okay. Her words are a gift!

11 thoughts on “I’m not alone in this…

  1. Thankful that I am not alone on this journey and I have encouragement and love from friends ,
    But sometimes i feel alone espically when the going gets ruff and the battle seems up hill . And you come home at night to your doggie and she listens to the bad day you had . So times I feel alone when the battle is tuff , or you just want someone to be there to say its okay and ahoy the compassion .
    Like with me sometimes the tuff times are taking care of my mom and the road can be long and hard and it feels lonely .
    But I do know that God right there with me and He sees the struggles etc .
    Thank you for your blog posts they always encourage me .

    • You’re so welcome Carol. I believe as we intentionally start practicing self-compassion our battles will loose their power over us. Always love reading your comments 🙂

  2. I need to hear that “this event/circumstance does not mean total failure. Life will go on and there is help for me, through family, friends and professionals, if needed. 🙂
    Other people are going through the same thing. Remember to ask for help.” Those are things that I need to hear. God loves me and I need to remember that. 🙂

    • Melissa, I think it is tremendous you know exactly what you need to hear. Know what we need will move us forward so that we don’t remain stuck. Thank you for sharing your heart with me 🙂

  3. I’m very hard on myself. I start out with a few things I would like to change and then my OCD kicks in and I have a whole page of dislikes. Then I realize I can’t change that many and get burnt out. I need to learn some good things to say to myself when I’m feeling down and not be so critical. I know I can’t blame anyone for it but growing up in a loveless house makes you feel like your not any good. Never any compliments like good job. I’m proud of you. Way to go. Always wanting perfection out of me but never given the guidelines on how to achieve it.

    • I can relate with you in the struggle for perfectionism. Intentionally taking care of myself and loving myself continues to move me forward in great ways. One day at a time, one moment at a time. Thank you for sharing with me.

  4. Linda, I consider myself a compassionate person but never thought about having compassion for myself. The idea of it seems calming and I certainly often need to give myself grace and seek peace and rest in Jesus! I will be following your blog as I always do for your encouragement and inspiration. You are always a blessing!

  5. Thanks Linda, I would want to say exactly what the title of Holley’s book says we I need to hear an encouraging word. “Your Going To Be Okay” will touch the lives of many women and they will know that their not the only one that needs this encouragement. I would love to win this book.

  6. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for the post. I’ve always thought of compassion as what you give to others. I’ve never considered that I could have compassion for myself. The words I need to hear when I’m having a bad day is: “This too shall pass” and “I will NEVER leave you . I will NEVER forsake you. You are NEVER alone. I am ALWAYS with you”. God’s promises are always comforting. He is our Comforter and our Encourager.

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