Watch Me on FB Live Tomorrow

I’m so excited to talk with Pastor Todd Smith from Christ Fellowship Church Dawsonville, GA tomorrow (Tuesday, March 19) on Facebook LIVE! Listen to all the exciting things God is doing through the North Georgia Revival. This revival has personally touched my life in the most radical amazing life changing way over the last few months. I was in love with Jesus prior to experiencing the revival but I NOW KNOW AND EXPERIENCE JESUS MORE THAN EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!! 

My life and ministry are better than I could ever hoped, dreamed or imaged!! If you have not experienced the North Georgia Revival it is a must! You can watch what is happening on their Facebook page here Christ Fellowship Church Dawsonville.

Also I highly recommend ordering Pastor Todd Smith’s book He Sat Down. In Mark 16:19-20After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” This book is a revelation on what God’s purpose truly is for us as the church. We are to carry out on this earth Jesus’ plans and purposes because HE SAT DOWN, the baton has been passed to us. It is time to arise church because we have work to do. It’s time to truly be the hands and feet of God.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list.