A Very Big Miracle

Chapter 15, Speak Truth is one of my very favorite chapters in my book because of the VERY BIG MIRACLE that happened in my life through the act of speaking truth in my life. I cannot wait for you to read about this miracle in my book!

(Excerpt Worthy of a Miracle pg. 195-196)
“Going through cancer and the coma, I learned the power of my thoughts and words. When I woke up in the hospital and could not speak, my thoughts quickly turned from defeat to determination. Backed by the power of the prayers of my family and friends, I
insisted that I was going to breathe on my own, get out of the bed, and walk again. I believed that God had not brought me this far to quit. No one was going to stop me. My thoughts became my words, which became my reality. 

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Rom. 12:2)

This was the Scripture I clung to while undergoing chemotherapy. Little did I know how it would impact the rest of my healing. Words are powerful. All of creation came to be simply through the power of God’s word. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was
light” (Gen. 1:3). God’s word spoke creation into existence.

Our words are like the air we breathe. Our words give us life. It’s time to believe in the power of our words and the positive impact they can have on us. Speaking the truth out loud has changed my life, my faith, and my relationships with my family and friends. It has helped me let go of all the times in my childhood when I had no voice and learned to think my only real value was in how I looked or how I performed. Now I know that when I speak, Jesus is listening, even if no one else hears. I know this because of my personal relationship with him. Today, I know that when we speak God’s word, we have supernatural power and authority through Christ. And when we speak God’s words to ourselves, we do a better job of encouraging and uplifting with positive self-talk as we face life’s challenges.”

Today I want to encourage you to examine the words you are speaking to others and to yourself. Let me know in the comments below if you’ve had any experience with speaking God’s word out loud and what it has done for you.


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