How 3 Words Changed My Life


For years, I felt heavy, as if I was wearing one of those vests they put on you at the dentist office when they take x-rays. Pressure weighed me down.

I couldn’t figure out why life was so hard for me.

Have you ever felt like you were struggling to make it through the day?

I know I have.

Many, many times I’ve fought off depression, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry, insecurity and the next thing I knew, I’d be drowning in hopelessness.

As “Christians” sometimes we end up feeling like we’re defective or flawed because we aren’t like all the other Christians that seem to have it all together. We feel like why in the heck is this “Christian” thing not working for me like it is for those other people we see plastered all over social media?

One night, about a year ago I woke up from a dead sleep and found the answer to why I had been anxiously struggling day in and day out with life.

Three little words popped in my mind, JUST LIVE TODAY.

You would think after living with cancer, chemotherapy, life support, and being faced with never walking or breathing again on my own that I would have really understood the concept of living one day at a time. Out of all people, someone who’s kissed the face of death and has this incredible second chance at life, surely I lived life to it’s fullest, cherishing every moment, every breath?

Unfortunately, I did not.

You might be scratching your head and asking me why, right about now? The reason why is because in my mind I lived in the past consumed with regrets and fears or I live in the future of what ifs.

My mind was like a marry-go-round, spinning round and round in the past or the future. It never stopped to rest in the present. 

Once I began to truly Just Live Today by intentionally disciplining myself to keep my mind focused only on the 24-hours at hand, I felt light and free, almost as if I could truly breath again. It was not easy work but you know the old saying practice pays off.

Today I can honestly say that I truly Just Live Today, one 24-hours at a time. I cherish life. Gratitude consumes my day. 

So how about you? Where does your mind stay? Does the past consume you? Does the future taunt you? Does the present scare you?

What would your life look like if you simply stopped the marry-go-round in your mind and JUST LIVE TODAY?

I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

If you are struggling with the inability to just live today, contact me for coaching. I currently have a waiting list, however I have a few appointments opening up in mid April. I want to encourage you that there is hope and a new way of life. ((hugs))

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Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the coaching experience.