Give-away ~ Jesus Calling Devotional

Introducing Maggie my dog 🙂 Follow Maggie on Pinterest here. Our family has a joke “Things that look like Maggie”. You will see what I mean if you click here! It’s hilarious!

Do you take time to create “white space” in your life? I believe when we take time to be still that is one way to love ourselves. Leave a comment below to be entered to win a Jesus Calling Devotional. Drawing will be on Turkey Day, this Thursday!

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38 thoughts on “Give-away ~ Jesus Calling Devotional

  1. Hi Linda! 🙂
    Hope you are having a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving week!
    My favorite place for my quiet time/white space is outside (when it’s bearable weather-wise, which is most of the year) on my swing with a cup of Caramel Mudslide coffee…it’s my time just to unwind, clear my mind and talk to God about things going on in my life and my family’s lives. Just a time to look at His creation all around me and let my mind rest…it’s my time just to give my mind a rest… <3
    And yes…your sweet puppy dog reminds me of SID!! Don't cha just love those movies!! ((hugs!))

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda! So funny that one of the things you mentioned about “white space” was taking a nap. That is my “white space” in the afternoon. Just a short nap or just laying down for a bit helps me with my chronic pain and helps me recharge my thoughts. I can certainly notice a difference when I don’t take a nap or rest. My body needs that rest time. 🙂
    Maggie is so cute! 🙂

  3. I make time for “me time,” or white space … nothingness. I’ve always been a daydreamer, and the quiet time with my own imagination and thoughts nourishes me. I hear whispers from God, and things I’ve read become clear in my head as the words become pictures in my mind. This is the fuel that God uses as I then go out into the world and share his Love with others. ~ Lee

  4. You are amazing! As long as I have known you, 3 1/2 years to be exact, you have taught me about quiet time and finding a place to be with God. You have shown me so many ways to work this in my life, even with toddlers running around. Over the years, I have found that one of my favorite times to be quiet is not while I’m sitting still but while my feet hit the pavement on runs. Is it ironic that you are now talking about creating “white space” and 3 ½ years ago I fell in love with running because of your determination to complete a ½ marathon and while we trained together you “coached” me on spending more time with God (creating my own white space). This is not a coincidence my friend. I am so grateful that you are in my life… love you!

    • Stephanie, I’ve said it a thousand times…EVERYONE needs a “Stephanie” in their life! You never stop believing in me. I do not believe I would of accomplished my 1st marathon if it were not for your inspiration and belief in me. Thank you for always loving me so much. I pray everyone gets a “Stephanie” in their life! ((hugs))

  5. I’m not really good about creating quiet time for myself. I’ve talked about it many times and tried to create a space in my house for it but haven’t actually followed through with it. Would love to learn more from you about your tips regarding this. Praying you have a Thanksgiving full of blessings.

  6. I have wanted to have a quiet time with God for a long time. The scripture “Be still and know I am God”, is one of my favorite verses. But, when I’m alone or it gets quiet I feel abandon and have to turn on the TV or something. I think trying to be still is why it’s so hard for me to sit and read a book. At 65 years I don’t know if it’s possible to develop white spaces. I know I’m missing a lot by not having them.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Sharon

    • Sharon, I want to encourage you to start with spending only 5 minutes a day listening to Christian music and maybe over time try reading a devotional or scripture while having your music on? Thank you so much for being real here and sharing. (((hugs)))

      • Thanks Linda for the hugs and for the wisdom on how to start having those white spaces and still moments with God. I always look forward to what you and everyone has to share. It means a lot to me. Again, have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Highly Favored Minded Thanksgiving. Together we grow in the Lord. Sharon

  7. I love just to sit and read and write what God is speak to me! I have been blessed this week with not having work! And I’m making this week of growing closer to God!

  8. I love to spend time outside with the Lord just being in his presense and looking at all the wonderful things he created for us. I like to especially go to the beach and watch the beauty of the ocean or just look at the trees and the beautiful colors in the fall.

    • Karen, being outside is my favorite place to meet with God! There’s just something about being in his beautiful creation that brings peace and calm to my soul. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The other night while having some quiet time before I could turn off the TV i noticed it was Joel Osteen (who I happen to like) so I decide to listen ..he was talking about Living Favored Minded .. Meaning believe and claim Your Favor in Jesus name because we are Children of Royalty We are Kings Kids and for that we have Favor and we need to believe that we Are Blessed and Highly Favored

    Have a Blessed and Highly Favored Thanksgiving

    • Thank you for sharing that Patricia!! I am claiming now that everyone on my blog is Highly Favored by Jesus our Lord! Love that, “Living Favored Minded”.

  10. OMG!! Maggie is not ugly! She is so cute and I loved the way the camera bounced as you did the scrunchy squeeze and rub of her ear!! I do that to Zoë!

    White Space. People have so many moments of white space they don’t realize. You have taught me so much about being creative in my white space so it comes naturally now. When I get in my car after loading the tote bag, the pocket book, the lunch bag and the car hasn’t started yet. there is about 20 seconds of white noise. Short prayer up to JEsus for a safe journey not only for my self, but everyone I pass on the road, my family and co-workers. Sitting at a red light……Sitting on the rocker on the front porch. The moment you sit down with the coffee at he kitchen table before anyone is up. Taking the dog for a walk. Sometimes I find my white space when I am not sitting still, but the time is my own and it is quite.

    I’ve also got a bit creative…..when I read a verse I find grabbing me daily and weekly emails I get I copy and paste them on my phone or computer. Then in sit down white space time I look at one or two and ask why did this strike me as needing to re read it again….and then I look it up. I learned note taking and journaling just recently on my quest to know Jesus & God and I love it. It so helps me.

    Thank you so much for all your great coaching Linda! You truly are helping me on my journey.

    • THANK YOU for complimenting my sweet Maggie 🙂 It warms my heart Lisa to know that I am helping you in a small way through my blog. ((hugs)) & love to you my friend~

  11. Hi! I hope that you as we’ll as everyone who reads this has an amazing Thanksgiving week!! My white space is in my office with my dog Lena. Although I do not make time daily, I struggle with this and am working to correct it!! Doing devotionals is one of the ways that I have been considering to help me to make my white space happen daily. Thank you again for sharing your favorite devotional with us, and your cute dog 🙂

  12. Hi Linda,
    Happy Thanksgiving. I do create my white space every morning. Our church is reading through the bible and I read the daily scripture early in the morning before my husband and kids get up. I soooo love my time with God and my first cup of coffee. I say prayers and read. I feel really “off” if my time is rushed or cut short.

    • Same thing for me too Randi. If I do not get enough time in my day is off. My perspective on life is so different when I don’t meet with God in the morning. ((hugs))

  13. Hello Linda – Thank you for sharing your gift . I hope you know how much you mean to us all – you seem so real and make me feel at home . when I get home I am so tired work has been so crazy and trying to get supper on the table and then I finally get to check my emails and then I see you THANKS so much .my white space is– I love winter time and when it rains outside I love the smell and the sound of the rain . I see what the Lord has painted such a pretty painting . everything is so pretty , when I am outside I can see things so clear . I love walking in the rain it makes me settle down and thank the Lord for what he has done for me . Thanks for being here for us all. Joan
    P.S Happy Thanksgiving

    • Joan, you have no idea how much your words mean to me. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for encouraging me. You have inspired me to take a walk in the rain. I love being outside too! Thank you for being here. I really appreciate you!!! (((hugs))) Hope your day is full of joy!

  14. Love my quiet time. Have a wonderful thanksgiving!! Thankful for the grace of God to all of us!

  15. Hi Linda! When I first started creating “white space”, I set a time each morning and it was a beautiful quiet time…then life happened and my grandson Andrew was born. I have spoken of him before. He is medically fragile and a miracle! That’s when I needed to become creative. I agree with Lisa. There are so many moments or periods of time that we can purpose to spend quiet time with the Lord! As simple as waking up and saying good morning Lord! “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” And at days end giving thanks and praise for another day of his blessings.
    Although I have returned to somewhat routine vs. random quiet times, I have never forgotten to praise Him and talk with Him as a moment presents itself!
    Love your little Maggie! We love our 4 German Shepherds! Loyal and loving!
    Lastly, I have been reading my oldest and most favorite devotional “God Calling” by A J Russell for almost 20 years. I have read and heard how inspiring Sara Young’s “Jesus Calling” is and would love to read it and share it with my daughter! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!
    As always…thank you for your encouragement and inspiration as well! God bless!

    • Mary, I have got to get your devotional now! If you’ve read it for years it must be amazing!! Thank you so much for being here and commenting. Praying for you to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family today. Much love and ((hugs)) to Andrew!

  16. Thank you! I needed the reminder to sit & unload my thoughts in my journal. I need to get back to it. I need to find my white space & time for it. By the time I get there every night I’m wiped out! Thanks for this thought, I’m going to try to refocus myself

  17. Hi Linda,

    Thank you for all your encouragement especially the white space knowledge – I do try to make time for myself – the place I choose sometimes varies due to time as I work shift patterns that change. I live in a house that has windows in all the rooms, and for me I like it to be just me and the Lord so I open my closet in my bedroom and place the door ajar as this cannot be seen through any window and its where I feel the most private. Sometimes I need your nudges to do it, but I do try to do it now and am already experiencing the benefits of doing so. I am trying out writing a journal too although I am not doing every day it has proved to be a great encouragement when I read it back after a few days as this helps me to see how I need to depend on Him all the more. Thank you for all your encouragement it is helping me stay focused on what the Lord wants instead of what I want.
    Every blessing be yours. ( I love your maggie too) xx

    • Hi Anne! Thank you for being here! I’m so proud of you for taking steps to connect with God!! Once you get a taste of how He fills your soul, you can’t help but want more. Much love to you!

  18. My white space is when I come home from work, finish the things I need to do and settle down for the night. I turn off the t.v. light a candle and sit in the quiet and let myself relax in the peacefulness of the absence of noise and activity. It takes a while for my mind to get quiet, but when it all comes together I am better able to hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit as he ministers to me!

    P.S. (Your sweet Maggie is precious, she gave me a smile today!)

  19. I journal daily and have a craft room in which I go and sit in to journal. I often do my bible study there too. I even have a “space” at work I go to when I really need to get away from everything and just talk to God for a moment. The car is also one of my spaces. I love listening to music and singing to God while in the car, or listening to a sermon podcast. And when all else fails, the bathroom works! 🙂

    I find that if I miss just one day of this “white space” time, I am struggling, but that struggle is my reminder of what I need to do to get back to where God wants me. I like that I have so many places, as it reminds me that God is everywhere and that I can talk to Him at anytime! What an amazing gift He has given us!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. God in your morning, hello, I have a Maggie dog too. She is a little Yorkie who is extremely nervous. She is with me in my quiet times that I have in the morning doing devotions and spending time with the Lord. I can get a little cranky when my quiet times get interrupted like today. I have to ask God to forgive me because my husband came home in my quiet time and I got upset with him in my space. So now I have to go and ask him to forgive me. He knows I have my quiet time but at times he seems like a child who needs attention right now and not later. I guess that sometimes I must seem like that to God to, I want answers not now but right now. Forgive me Lord and help me to wait for you. In Jesus name I pray amen.
    Have a beautiful day and may the Lord bless you for your messages to us. Love your Maggie dog.

    • Meredith, Please send a picture of your “Maggie”! I would love to see her. Thank you so much for being here on the blog. I’m pretty possessive of my quiet time as well 😉 I love how you offered a prayer! Beautiful! ((hugs))

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