You Must Know This

I love you to the moon and back!

Today I want to say thank you for inspiring me to keep moving forward and speaking life and encouragement into the hearts of women all over the world. You are why I do what I do every single week. YOU. MATTER. TO. ME. Thank you for doing life with me. It’s a privilege to connect with you each week.

I love praying for you. Let me know how I can today. Everyone who comments will be entered to when a signed copy of Your Life Still Counts by Tracie Miles. Sign up for Tracie’s FREE Your Life Still Counts Online Bible Study here!


Journal with God: Reflect on how God has shown you over your lifetime how He loves you to the moon and back. Write a letter of gratitude in your journal to Him. 

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the experience.

What clients have to say about their personal coaching experience with Linda? Read here. 

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7 thoughts on “You Must Know This

  1. Today is my middle child’s birthday and we are celebrating her today. She also got her braces and expander off today (it’s been a full day for her!). My youngest daughter is learning to experience life all over again through the new lenses of her new glasses, and the sensory experience is slightly overwhelming for her (she has sensory issues so this new experience is compounding those).

    The last 10 months have been tumultouous. I am just ready for a breather…for my ‘still waters’ and a ‘restored soul’ (Psalm 23).

  2. I would love for you to pray that I continue the accountability stretch I gained by participating in your Feb FB challenge. I also ask that you pray for me as I look into doing a jomuice fast as you did. I already have this book, but I have a friend who it would be perfect for and she could join us in the book study soon!!

  3. I just posted on my friends list to prayer for my son, Jamie, who left a few minutes ago to visit his friends at Purdue. I am a big fan of praying for the little things in life that matter the most. Thank you for asking, what you can do for me. I love encouragers and prayer warriors.

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