
I’m currently teaching and participating in the Stressed-Less Living Online Bible Study with Melissa Taylor.  I almost feel like it’s a joke that this is the book we are studying right now because I’ve been put to the test with some major stress just within the last week.  From losing our precious 20-year-old cousin to Cystic Fibrosis, facing heart-breaking challenges with my adolescent daughter, to personally overcoming some health matters the word STRESS has defiantly been in my vocabulary quit often lately.  After reading Chapter 1 of this incredible book Stressed-Less Living, I discovered when I put complete trust and faith in God, I do have the power to live less stressed!  So today I wanted to share with you what I did just this week to overcome my personal stress.  It’s quit simple.  I just speak out loud everything I am blessed with! For example:

I’m blessed to be alive.

I’m blessed to breath on my own. *this is one of my favorites…no more trachea by the grace of God alone!

I’m blessed to be a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend.

I’m blessed to have a home, clothing, food, water, and transportation.

I’m blessed to have the bible that speaks life into me every day.

I’m blessed to have eyes that see and ears that hear.

I’m blessed to have a second chance at life.

I’m blessed to spend time with loved ones.

I’m blessed to connect with others all over the world through technology.

Honestly the list could go on and on forever.  The reason this simple exercise works so well to relieve stress is because we immediately experience freedom from the truth! Leave a comment on the link below and share what you are blessed with while reducing stress in your very own life today!

Blessed to Coach women around the world at www.lindakuhar.com!

15 thoughts on “#Blessed

  1. Amen girl! Praying for you and your family, girl you have a lot on your plate! Today my blessings are my family, a job I love, coffee!!!!!, weight watchers, awesome friends, and OBS! Hugs to you girl!!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing some of your blessings as well as your struggles.
    I am blessed with a wonderful partner…my husband and soulmate. I am also so very blessed to know the Lord and to have in my hand a Bible (truthfully BibleS) so that, I can, at any time, read God’s Word.

  3. Great post Linda! Gratitude is key to life along with living in the present moment. I am blessed to be able to enjoy this beautiful day! it is 80 and sunny and finally spring has sprung in VA. Praising God for the beauty.

  4. Our dear Linda, you are such an inspiration to me! You are another one of God’s Girls who show forth what it looks like to live the Christian life. Sometimes I wish I lived close enough to you to have you as a mentor. Yet, right here, with the internet as your forum, you are mentoring Christ for thousands to see. Loved you blog, as I always do.

  5. I loved your post, Linda!
    I am blessed to be alive and enjoy this beautiful day we are having. The flowers are out and the trees are in bloom!
    I am blessed to be a wife, a mother, and a Grandmother.
    I am blessed to be able to read the bible and books and I’m blessed to have an IPad, that allows me to go into my Bible app, split the screen and read a verse in many different versions of the Bible! Now that’s technology !
    I am blessed to have legs that can carry me because I love to run! (and the energy yo do it.)
    And Stephanie I had to laugh when you said you were blessed to have coffee! I drink it all the time and I don’t know if I’ve ever stop to think about what a blessing it is!

  6. Running water/plumbing, a problem free computer today, reading all the OBS blogs…the first one I totally take for granted but should definately feel blessed about, the second one has been a huge stressor for me all week but today is A.O.K, thank you Lord!, and the third is always a huge blessing! <3

  7. You are a blessing, Linda! And I loved reading your list. How good God is to us! Rejoicing with you today and remembering to count my blessings. Thanking God for unconditional love, family, new friends, OBS, and His powerful Word that sustains me in all things. Much love, Shelly

  8. Definitely agree on the attitude of gratitude helping to change one’s perspective on stress. Today I am blessed to…..
    believe and know a God who has truly transformed my life in ways that I could
    not have ever imagined;
    have the opportunity to connect with family across the world via Skype;
    have good health;
    have three beautiful girls that I can care for and disciple;
    have a husband who is stepping out in faith and being used by God to touch many lives;
    be part of an awesome Lifegroup that helps me take time out from day to day life and laugh whilst learning and growing in knowledge of Christ and life!
    be able to freely share our thoughts about God’s blessing without fear of persecution;
    be blessed by God so that I can be a blessing to others;
    there are so many, many more when one truly takes the time to stop and pause and “be still and know that God is the great I AM”.

  9. Linda,
    This is such a timely post as they all are. I praise the Lord you are able to focus on your blessings instead of the stress.

    My blessings are : What God has done for me in Christ and giving me new life, husband, children, health, very sweet and Godly friends and you are truly one of them and a blessing.

  10. Thank you Linda for sharing, I have had stress hit me hard in the face since starting this study. Dealing with my 16 year old son that I discovered has been making some really bad choices and lying, my being hurt and stressed led to my husband and I fighting about all of it. And until I read your post I was still feeling justified in my anger and telling my self that stress was normal in my situation, that anyone else would be stressed too. Thank you for reminding me that I am not anyone else, I am the daughter of the King of kings, daughter of the one that is my stressed reducer! I too am blessed!
    Blessed beyond imagination!

  11. Just got home from another long day and read your post…reminded me how blessed I am to be the board chair of our volunteers’ organization and the head coach of my local Special Olympic team (the Warwick Superstars), a Special Education teacher asst. And the president of my union. I am also blessed to be a daughter, a mother, a Mimi, a sister and a friend. Most of all I am blessed to know and love our Lord Jesus Christ and to be loved by Him!

  12. Linda, I can so relate! There have been some situations that have arisen in my life, and the lives of those I love, over last several months that were just downright heartbreaking. In the past, I would have allowed these situations to bring me down spiritually, mentally, and even physically. But, because I recently got into the habit of “liking” the pages and subscribing to the blogs of people that I know would speak truth and hope into my life on a daily basis, I always seem to find a nugget of truth (or on certain days huge barrels of truths) that ministers to my soul. I began to take those truths and share them with my friends. When they come back to me saying that I am always sharing positive and uplifting thoughts, I always tell them that I am preaching to the choir. I know I need to hear it, and I also know there are others that are undergoing tough times who need to hear it too. Doing this, not focusing on the problem, and focusing on the God who is in control even when I don’t feel in control, has made such a huge difference in my outlook on life. Are the problems still there? Sure! But my God is GREATER than anything I face. I just have to keep reminding myself of this truth!

  13. Linda,
    Absolutely love your blog. It’s not often enough I stop to count my blessings.
    I am so blessed to have many examples of Christ in my life.
    I am especially blessed that my niece feels she can talk to me when her parents seem a tad too parenty.

    Thank you so much for blogging….

  14. Amen Linda. I found as I was writing it goes on and on – love that list and I plan to add on to it daily. Debbie W. (OBS Group Leader)

  15. Thank you so much Linda. I have many blessings also but will list just a few.

    I am blessed to have you as a teacher this week for this study.

    I am blessed to be alive

    I am blessed to have all good things God brings such as a home full of love, transportation. food. a wonderful husband and two wonderful dogs.

    I am blessed to be saved by God.

    I am blessed to be sitting here looking at God’s beautiful ocean.

    I am blessed to have a great FB leader for this study.

    I am blessed to be able to learn and study God’s Word and to do things for His Kingdom.

    I am blessed to have incredible parents and sisters in christ.

    Thanks Linda for all you have done for us this week.

    Love in christ,


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