Inspirational Coaching Minute

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Do you really see yourself as God’s Masterpiece?

When we love and accept who God has created us to be, it frees us to start doing the work he has planned for us to do all along.

My blog is about being yourself, connecting with each other, learning and growing in Christ together.  I love the community we are building here by connecting with prayer partners. Leave a comment today, if you would like prayer or a prayer partner.  Please feel free to share my blog with anyone today that needs a little encouragement 🙂

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8 thoughts on “Inspirational Coaching Minute

  1. Thanks Linda for this encouraging words. I love your coaching minute videos they are great. Keep on Inspiring and spreading the Great News.

  2. Linda, you surely have given me something to mediate on. I have never thought of myself as a masterpiece, just a rough draft that is constantly being modified to become a masterpiece. It’s amazing God’s love and admiration for us. Thank you for the word!

    • Courtney, I would love to hear from you again after you’ve spent some time mediating on this truth. I love what you said, “just a rough draft constantly being modified”….oh how I can relate. However, let’s join together in believe the TRUTH! 🙂

  3. Linda, thank you so much for this video, I have thought WOW, God’s masterpiece! My past doesn’t matter, He still thinks of me as His Masterpiece, forgiven and loved!
    I also wanted to thank you for the 7 Day Devotional, and the 5 Powerful Ways to connect with God. I am now on Day three. I am going to continue reading God’s word, journaling, praying, AND keeping up with your blog.


    • Anna, I’m so thrilled to hear you are loving the Devotional and the 5 Powerful Truths. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. And you are a BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE sweet sister!!!!

  4. Linda, I do believe I am God’s masterpiece! Even the masterpieces of the greatest of earthly artists may have flaws or weaknesses. These flaws are only seen in the eyes of the beholder. God created me, His masterpiece, in His image and He is the only perfection, but I strive to love and live out His plan for me as perfectly as humanly possible…and we all know that with God all things are possible! Thank you for all of your inspirational coaching minutes! They bring His Word to life!

  5. Mary, I love that the Coaching Minute Videos are bring the word to real life for you. That was my hearts desire in doing this is to see how all of us can join together in applying the truth to our lives. Thank you for being a part of our community!

  6. Thank you, Linda for these insights into God’s Word! They are so helpful, and really make me think. I didn’t see myself as a “masterpiece” but will look at this verse again, and try to absorb it! So many times I read verses like this, and they go right over my head. Thanks, again. : )

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