Inspirational Coaching Minute

Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10

I want to encourage you to write this verse and sit with it in your time with God. What is God speaking to you? Share a comment about what God is saying to you. I would love to read them.

On a different note, CONGRATULATIONS to Laci Bennett & Carol Love who won the necklace and bracelet from last weeks give away! Be on the look out for my next give away coming soon!

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Honored to serve God and women at!

14 thoughts on “Inspirational Coaching Minute

  1. Thank you for the video , it brought tears to my eyes love it when God speaks to our hearts in scripture and song and we only need to be still and listen to Him .
    Thank you

  2. Thank you for sharing this video! It’s amazing God always has the right word at the right time! I will be praying for you and your friend’s family.

  3. My dear Linda,
    I share your grief of the passing of your friend. Words cannot express the heartache that death brings. Thank you for being committed to having your quiet time with God and listening for and obeying His Word. Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorite Scriptures. One that He always bring me back to. I love the definition for tears: a release of anxiety. Tears are a refreshing release. I know you will miss your friend, for the memories are wonderful reminders of what you shared together. I pray that the peace of God and those memories comfort and strengthen you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    • Joycelyn, I did not know that was the definition for tears…a release of anxiety. Many years ago when going through counseling, I learned the beauty of emotional release. I would not be the person I am today if I had not given myself permission to release many tears and emotions. Thank you for sharing this definition with me…it’s a gentle reminder to embrace release 🙂

  4. I mapped Psalm 46:10 and came up with “Be calm and experience that I am Sovereign.”

  5. Dear Linda – Hello from Hickory Mississippi , Sorry to hear about your dear friend. My heart goes out to you . about 6 years ago my Husband and I lost his sister I happend over night one day she was here and the next day she was gone . Lord knows we just was hurt over her. we were just lost without her . we called her sister and she seamed just like my real sister . we talked everyday . so about a year after she died I was cutting grass one summer day and just started crying I missed her so . I asked God to please help me with this I was going thur and he did . They are reason and season for everything we are just so lucky to have been around such good people they made a mark on us and in our hearts forever . I thank God for letting me learn for her and I know she is proud of my husband and myself. and I know your friend is of you also . you inspire so many people and you are a joy and I look forward to seeing your post . I just pray one day I can quote scripters like you do . Thanks for all your hard work . Joan

  6. Dear Linda,
    Thank you for sharing this scripture today and for sharing your grief in such a public way. I do understand grief! Our (my husband & I) nephew was in a canoe accident several years ago that claimed his life at the age of 24. He was more like our son than our nephew. We miss him so very much and have to remember this verse very often. We have to “Be still” and just cry. We know he is in a much better place, but we just miss him so! When we “be still” it just helps to think about our blessings and our nephew. Thank you for the reminder to “be still!”

  7. Oh Linda! Thank you for your message. So timely for me. Between joys and heartaches, and a crazy schedule right now, this message resonated with me. It’s so important to take the time to be with God each day. I know that I need Him desperately.

  8. Linda Thank you for sharing this video. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. . I’m praying for you and thanking God that He gave you peace and that He will continue to comfort you. I love Psalm 46:10…I hold on to this everyday. In fact I found a journal with this scripture on it, I use it daily… God tells me through this verse, that “My heart need not worry, for whatever is in my path He will take care of it, because He is in control, and nothing is to big for Him.” God bless You and I will keep praying for you…
    Thank you for always encouraging us, and I hope that our prayers will help you now.

  9. I have always felt that tears were such a relief. Sometimes I can be so upset about something and I know that once I get it out, I will feel that emotional release and feel maybe slightly better about the situation and gain some clarity. “Be still and know that I am God”, I feel like that applies also to just sitting and listening to someone who is going through the grieving process. As the listener, comforter, just being there for that person is all they need. To be still and know that God is there for both of you. Thank you for sharing your story. Do you feel like it also brought back some memories for you? Perhaps reminding you of your journey and how God has a different plan for us all? I know I sometimes need to be reminded of all I have been given and to keep God first…and occasionally, for me, it takes a wake up call to keep me focused on Him.

  10. Linda, I am very sorry to hear about your friend. I am glad God has given you the
    emotional release you spoke of. I’m sending prayers and hugs to you and your friends family. God bless and keep you and your family always.
    Your sister in Christ,

  11. This scripture is very powerful for me. That is the actually the scripture God spoke to me when my daughter was in the hospital dying. To be honest with you as soon as He gave me that scripture I screamed at Him and said no, I want another one. It was in that moment I realized my daughter was going to die. I still struggle with the scripture. I don’t have peace with it yet. You are so right about the tears being a release though. I try to ignore my pain but when I sit with God I cry. A lot. I feel so cleansed afterward. That’s when I know I am healing.

    • Kris, I cannot possibly imagine all that you have been through. My heart aches for you to think that you lost your daughter. I am praying for comfort and peace over you today. Thank you so much for sharing your heart here on my blog. Sending you a ((hug)) today.

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