Flashback Friday 1.0

This is our first Flashback Friday from Courtney. Thank you Courtney for sharing your story with us! You are amazing and inspiration to all of us!! Let’s share some love today with Courtney by leaving a word of encouragement in the comments below.

Click to here to listen to her story. 

Share your story by leaving a voicemail here or emailing me at linda@lindakuhar.com. (If you have a blog or website please include and I will add it to the post if your story is selected.) I’m so excited to share our stories of faith, hope and encouragement as we grow together!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone, the new has come!   2 Corinthians 5:17

11 thoughts on “Flashback Friday 1.0

  1. Thanks, Courtney, for sharing your story. How brave you are to share this with us! You are God’s child and are truly loved. Your story will help others. Peace be with you.

  2. What a testimony Courtney!! Thanks very much for be so open and sharing your story. Beauty from ashes my friend!! Blessings to you and your family!!

  3. Courtney, God truly loves you and God Bless your husband who overlooks the nasty “old” stuff. I love to hear the strength in your voice as you are a confident believer in our Lord. I hope to have that same “sound” in my voice some day.

  4. Thank you so very much for sharing Courtney’s story.I know also how God will forgive and restore.We have a most wonderful great God.

  5. Courtney,
    What a beautiful ending to a life the enemy was out to destroy. Thank you for sharing your testimony. It’s the blood of Jesus and our testimony that put Satan under our feet!

  6. Courtney, what a great thing for you to share. I do believe He puts certain people in our paths to do great things with us. I have niece who just started high school and that is my biggest fear for her, being pressured by boys to do things she will regret later. I gave her a gift of several books from P31 and a journal in hopes that even if she doesn’t look at them right now, she will go to them when she feels lost or lonely. Again, thank you for sharing your story. Love to you.

  7. Hi Courtney! First I want to say that you are a courageous and beautiful daughter of God! Thank you for sharing your story! I also just finished the Yes to God OBS and decided I would read Lysa’s Yes to God Devotional. What was chapter 1? “My Story” where Lysa shares her secret, shame and suffering in silence, until she shared it with others; thereby causing Satan to flee..the Bible verse she quoted was Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (NIV) Courtney, your story gives hope to others! God bless you!

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