You are not alone…

We are the most connected world yet the most isolated because of social media.

It’s hard to have that personal intimate connection when you meet over the internet, unlike meeting with someone face-to-face.

In my quiet time this morning I was reading Matthew 28:20 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” This scripture brings me so much comfort to know whenever I’m feeling alone, Christ is with me, the Holy Spirit is always with me and I am never alone.

We’ve been talking about courage all month and I have to say it takes COURAGE to truly believe the word of God. I want to encourage you to spend some time with scripture and connect with God today. I love hearing from you! Leave a comment below.


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Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the coaching experience.

Join me over at Holley Gerth’s blog and have some coffee for your heart! She has a blog hop so you will be able to connect with hundreds of beautiful women on their blogs!!


21 thoughts on “You are not alone…

  1. Wow I love this post , and yes I feel alone sometimes espically when I am going thru a day of stinkin thinkin thoughts , and when I get into those funks it defintely hard for me to feel close to God . That’s when I have to get in my quiet and cry out to Him for Him to come and wash over me and clear those stinkin thinkin thoughts . Somedays it’s hard to feel not alone when caring for your elderly mom somedays the road is long and twisty and I feel alone , that’s when my courage kicks in and truly have to say I am not alone for He is with me . Because without Him I would not have that courage to step up to the plate and take care of her . COURAGE
    Bless you

    • Carol, it takes deep courage to take care of aging loved ones. I know it can be draining and a bit isolating. So Grateful for God’s companionship and comfort on challenging days.

      • Thank you Linda , and I am so thankful for my friends on FB most of them I have never met , but they are a huge support , I wish I could connect with them in person .and your posts have inspired me thank you for all you do .

  2. I love to get quiet and listen to my soul. It’s the way we were meant to live life…with wisdom. I really like this quote, Linda. Thank you for the vlog today, too. #mycouragecoach

  3. You know, we were actually talking about this in my Bible study this morning. We talked about how much time we spend on Facebook, and how that time might be better spent creating one-on-one connections with others.

    • That’s funny Reagan. I think it’s a high priority to stay intentionally connected with people face-to-face, otherwise we might find ourselves feeling disconnected and empty.

  4. #mycouragecoach. Thanks for today’s blog post Linda. This is a scripture I praise God for in prayer everyday: I praise You for the promise of Your word that Your loving kindness never cease, that Your compassions they never fail but are new every morning, that You will never leave me or forsake me, that I am NEVER alone You are always with me and that what You have begun in me You will complete it until Christ returns. As we praise Him and thank Him daily we are filled with hope and the courage needed to continue on this Christian journey. I pray that all of you be filled with the joy of the LORD which is true happiness. God bless.

  5. I feel mostly when I don’t see answers to prayers, or maybe the answer is there and because it doesn’t look what I’m expecting it causes me to feel alone. I have a very strong desire to feel connected to God, and sometimes in His silence, I feel alone.

  6. I just feel that I have to share Isaiah 43:16-19
    This is what the Lord says—
    he who made a way through the sea,
    a path through the mighty waters,17
    who drew out the chariots and horses,
    the army and reinforcements together,
    and they lay there, never to rise again,
    extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:18
    “Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.19
    See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
    I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.
    This verse is speaking into my life right now and boy do I believe. I just feel the Holy spirit boiling up inside of me. The former is gone and a new thing has begun.
    Thanks Linda

  7. #mycouragecoach I had this verse in my quiet time this morning and brought me peace and confidence. What a blessing to be reminded again God is my courage and I am determined to seek Him throughout each day.

  8. I loved this weeks prompt at coffee for your heart. You’re so right. With social media and the physical distance between us it’s so easy to feel lonely. Thank you for sharing the verse from Matthew. It’s a great little nugget of encouragement in those times when we feel isolated. Have a great week, friend!

  9. I was so glad to see your post linked up at Coffee For Your Heart, Linda! This is a great post and I love your photo at the end. Beautiful! That verse in Matthew also brings me such comfort as well. So thankful that Jesus is with us forever. Blessings to you, friend!

  10. So fun to see you from Holley’s place. I still remember your sweet smile form She Speaks Intensive and your words bless.

    Loved the vlog..trying one this week ( I have been trying one for a while…seriously, I have to just put it on…blooppers and all…) 😉


  11. I feel so alone ,I know God is with me I seek to be closer to him to feel his precense I long for .. I am going thru some tuff times right now my husband lost his job I know he needs to draw near to God and trust he will take care , he feels ashamed ..I ask for your prayers

  12. I’m praying for you and your husband Debbie. I’d been in similar circumstances. Things do get better. Sometimes slow at first. But as you TRUST in the Lord, and I know this can be very hard when you can’t see what he is doing. Believe me He is at work in your lives. Pray for your husband DAILY. And pray with him if this is possible. God knows your circumstances. Persist in praying and wait expecting a financial breakthrough in whatever form He chooses. Remember: HE is your PROVIDER because HE OWNS EVERYTHING!!!

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