Why is this so important for you?

Take time to create a playlist for your home. I promise this will change your atmosphere, your mind, your heart and your mood! Leave a comment and let me know some of your favorite songs!

Song List

Called Me Higher (All Sons & Daughters)

Yours (Elevation Worship)

More Than A Friend (Jeremy Riddle)

Intimacy (Jonathan David & Melissa Helser)

You’re Beautiful (Phil Wickham)

Abba (Jonathan David & Melissa Helser)

Christ Be All Around Me (All Sons & Daughters)

It Is Well (Kristene DiMarco & Bethel Music)

Do It Again (Elevation Worship)

Would love to have some coffee with you on May 11 when I “Spill The Beans” about milestones, miracles and buck lists! Where: Greenville, SC @ Spill The Beans Coffee When: May 11, 2017 from 10am – Noon Fee: FREE

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

What Do You Truly Believe?

I pray that you know Jesus in such a profound way that you do not fear death but that you look forward to the day you will meet Him. In John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

I invite you to take a moment today and reflect on what you truly believe. Let’s be grateful for today and this moment of life.

I dedicate this video today to my friends Derik and Sabrina that are now with Jesus. Thank you Lord that you allowed me to meet those two beautiful souls and pray with them and talk with them about You.

I pray that through my videos you experience a glimpse of Christ love each and every day. Thank you for watching.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Final Days on Earth … Transitioning into Eternity

I’m soaked in tears this morning. There’s so much I want to share with you through the computer screen, and I don’t have enough words to express everything that I am feeling. A year ago I spoke the words “What better gift could I give someone than to be with them in their final days.” Little did I know how precisely the Lord listens to my ever word and would allow my deepest desire to come true.

What prompted this longing to spend time with others in their last days was because I had the opportunity to be by my mother-in-law’s bedside ten years ago as she transitioned into eternity. I sat holding her hand, singing “Jesus Loves Me” and reading Psalm 23 in her last days, and I can honestly say it was the most beautiful sacred experience of my life. She was in a hospice house, and the workers there were like real angels here on earth.

Last year, as I reflected on my experience with my dear mother-in-law, I knew it was time to give back to others walking through their last days, but I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. After a little time visiting hospice and researching how I could make a difference, I got distracted with life and didn’t do anything with it. However, God was not going to let me forget the deep yearning within my heart.

At the end of last year, God brought not one but two beautiful people in my life that were dying from cancer. I had several months with them. We had conversations about God, heaven, cancer, life, love … and when we talked it was if we had known each other our entire lives.

Last night I held the hand of my second angel as she begins to transition into eternity. It’s hard to articulate this amazing surreal interaction. All I know is that it touched a place in my soul that I did not know existed. The unbelievable chance to connect heart to heart – soul to soul – in someone’s final days on earth is the greatest gift of my entire life. There is nothing more fulfilling. For some people it might sound a bit strange that this is beyond gratifying …. but what I know in the depths of my soul is that we have nothing to fear and eternity is the best transition that WILL EVER happen for us.

My new lifelong prayer is that everyone has the opportunity to experience Jesus in such a profound way here on earth that they will be overjoyed to go home … to heaven. Today I can honestly say my life feels complete. Each day feels like a bonus. I am living in the overflow of God’s amazing grace.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

This Can Save Your Life

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor 4:18

What are you focusing on? Focusing on the truth will change your life. I love hearing from you! Leave a comment and share with your friends.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.

One Healthy Habit that Changed My Life

As a 42-year-old woman I can honestly say I’ve spent at least half of my life or more attempting to find ways to be “healthy”. Like most people I start something new and think I’m going to stick with it this time and then fall off the wagon at some point and find myself at square one all over again.

On top of all the try again stop again yo-yoing; I end up feeling bad about myself while negative self-talk and defeating thoughts begin to weigh me down.

Can you relate?

But something dawned on my recently after a spiritual retreat I hosted. For the last twenty plus years I’ve practiced one healthy habit through ever trial, heartache, triumph and victory that has consistently brought me to better health. And with this practice I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today without it. It’s something that I don’t do every single day of my life, but it is something I reach for in times of deep struggle, frustration, anxiety and in times of reflection, hope, prayer, planning and dreaming.

The one healthy habit that continues to change my life and has for years is journaling.

There is no specific way to journal, it’s simply picking up a pen and putting it to paper. It can be one word or hundreds of words. You simply let your heart, mind and emotions lead you. I want to encourage you that even if you’re someone who does not like to write, you must give it a try!

I promise this is one new healthy habit that will propel you forward beyond anything you can imagine. Grab a journal and pen today!

I would love to hear from you. Leave me a comment and let me know one of your healthy habits.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.

6 Week Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Group

I’ve found that intentionally focusing on a specific goal each season keeps me consistently moving forward in living out a healthy lifestyle. Since shorts and bathing suit weather is just around the corner, it is time to increase the accountability game. If you are ready to make a change and reach your healthy lifestyle goals, the 6 Week Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Group is for you! This program includes the following:

  • Weekly conference call! This is where the rubber meets the road. We will report our weekly goals and progress to our accountability group members.
  • Online support community to post your daily progress! This is KEY to achieving your goals.
  • Weekly video teaching from yours truly, Christian Author and Life Coach Linda Kuhar! These videos will empower you to find clarity, encouragement and determination in reaching your goals.
  • DAILY PRAYER. Never underestimate the power of prayer. I am here today, dear friend, by God’s divine intervention through prayer. I take the role as your Christian Life Coach very seriously, and I will be in prayer for you each morning during this 6-week program.

REGISTER HERE to join the 6 Week Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Group. STARTS NEXT MONDAY!!!

**BONUS INDIVIDUAL COACHING available for participants! This is a ONE TIME ONLY purchase for a 30 minute breakthrough coaching session for 6 Week Healthy Lifestyle Accountability Group participants only. If you are feeling stuck at anytime, this breakthrough session will move you to the next level in achieving your healthy lifestyle goals. See details here.

Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Exciting News!

I encourage you to take a moment today and intentionally connect with the Lord. Anytime you feel overwhelmed or emotional that is your clue to use the following acronym. SLOW …. Stop what you are doing …. Listen to what the Lord is telling you … Obey what you He is speaking to you … Walk it out in your life.

EXCITING NEWS!!!! Next week you will be able to register here on my blog for my 6 Week Healthy Lifestyle Coaching Group that will start March 20 and end May 1, just in time for shorts and swim suits.

Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!


Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Video: Lessons We Can All Learn From Nana Nell

Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.


Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Politics + Social Media = Love {and a BOOK GIVEAWAY!}

Have you been struggling with all the negativity in social media around politics?

It literally makes me feel every possible emotion within seconds! Angry, mad, sad, happy, excited, hopefully, discouraged, disgusted … basically crazy.

The other week after the women’s march the very next morning I woke up asking how can I make a difference? My heart’s desire is to be like Jesus and sincerely love all people through compassion. But how do I honestly live this out each day with so much pain in the world, I questioned? Before I opened my bible I asked God to show me what to do and this is the scripture that spoke to my soul.

“The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:7-8

I thought, in order for me to be clear minded I must not fill my mind with negativity. And to be self controlled I must not remain in situations that influence me to make poor decisions. To truly love others deeply I must stay connected to God through intentional prayer. So last week instead of reading social media I used that time to read God’s word and pray for ALL people.

To be honest with you this stretched me. It was hard for me not to turn to social media to find out the latest update on all the drama in the world. However, by the end of the week I realized how much peace I felt.

I felt lighter. Less stressed. More patient. Simply hopeful.

Hopeful because I know that no matter how different our opinions are in this life, God is ultimately in control. I am confident there is no need to fear because the battle is already won. Victory is on my side no matter what political party I stand for. Jesus wins! I can rest in pure love.

So when I hop back on social media, I have decided to look at it through God’s eyes … LOVE. When I feel the opposite arise in me, I will simply hit the off button and pray. It is time to live out what I believe, not by merely reading God’s word but doing God’s word. God’s word is a very clear and detailed on how I must love others and while it’s not a piece of cake to implement, I can do it!

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Holy Spirit I pray for you to do a work in my heart so that I can make a difference. Give me strength to choose your ways over my ways. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

How are you getting through political adversity and making a positive impact? Leave a comment below and be entered to WIN a copy of my book Worthy of a Miracle!!!!

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.

Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Get Off the Crazy Cycle of Emotionally Eating

girlinfieldWe were sitting around the table enjoying a cup of coffee talking about how this is the year we will finally STOP. EMOTIONALLY. EATING.

My girlfriends and I have battled this just about our entire lives, so how in the world will we truly STOP. EMOTIONALLY. EATING this time? How will this year be any different than last? How can we honestly live a balanced healthy lifestyle?

Have you dealt with this struggle? Have you had the same conversations? Have you dreamed of the day you will not run to the pizza, soda, ice cream (fill in the blank with your favorite comfort foods) for relief?

Well I wish I could wave a magic wand for us and ZAP! emotional eating would disappear forever, but you and I know there’s no such thing. Boohoo 🙁

Over the last seven years (since cancer) I’ve learned a lot about myself, especially around my body, my emotions and my health. I tried every type of eating plan under the sun. From spiritual fast, 40 day juice fast, 14 day juice fast, diet programs such as the Hallelujah Diet, Isagenix, Weight Watchers, Whole30, Paleo, eating support groups …. gosh I know I’m forgetting some but you’ve got the picture. No matter how successful I was during any particular plan or program I participated in (often with the all or nothing mindset to boot!), I would eventually fall off the wagon at some point and go back to the same crazy cycle of emotionally eating.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Oh and forget the self-talk that would go on in my mind! “You’re never going to be good enough, you never follow through, just start over Monday, but I’m sure you’ll fail again.” Negative. Negative. Negative.

Well that wasn’t productive in the least! Beating myself up only tore me down more and caused me to be even more self-destructive.

Fast-forward to today, January 2017. How does a person STOP. EMOTIONALLY. EATING you might ask? While I don’t do it seamlessly I can honestly say it begins with 3 simple words: acceptance, accountability and action.

First by accepting I will not do everything perfectly has freed me from the all or nothing mentality. And secondly by receiving that I am accountable to God for how I take care of my health and that I was created to take action (to get moving!) for a greater purpose than just focusing on how I look has been the greatest revelation for my personal healthy lifestyle transformation. I now live within the ebbs and flows of life, not beating myself up anymore for lack of perfection. Each day is a new beginning and fresh start to love myself by nurturing the body God gave me. I really do love my life! And I love sharing this with my Healthy Lifestyle Coaching clients.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you ever struggled with emotionally eating? 

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!


Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 my book Worthy of a Miracle.