You verses God?


Are you consumed with You or God?

I’m really starting to develop some insecurity around writing my blog each week because I’m convicted to be gut wrenching honest with you.

Ugh…..Here we go….

I have to admit to you my sweet sisters; I struggle with being consumed with me!

You see I know God did not miraculously heal me from cancer and a month long coma for me to just sit around and be obsessed with me.  Just like he hasn’t kept you alive for you to be focused and consumed with you.

But when it comes to taking a risk, like putting yourself out there for the world to see or trying something new we often end up paralyzed with fear because we consume ourselves with that one letter word…..I.

How can I do that?  What if I look stupid?  What if I am not good enough?

Which ultimately leads us to the vicious cycle of poor pitiful me, and then turns into a ridiculous self-loathing saga.

How in the world can we get ourselves off of our minds?  I had a revelation to that question this week while reading this verse.

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10

When we truly accept and love who God made us to be, there’s a divine freedom that floods the soul.  And through this beautiful freedom we slowly begin to allow ourselves to do the work he prepared for us long ago.

So guess what?  Instead of being trapped, agonizing over our thoughts and fears we end up moving into being completely consumed with God!

Have you been consumed with you or God lately?  How can you begin to switch your focus?  If you received this post via email, go to the bottom of the page and click on the link that has comment in it.  I would love to hear from you!

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Put Your Hands Up

I have a beautiful 12-year-old daughter who looks as if she’s going on 19.  I don’t know what happened, but it’s like I went to sleep one night with a baby girl by my side and the very next morning I woke up to a young lady who is madly in love with Justin Bieber, obsessed with what to wear and could never have enough colors of nail polish.  Now all of a sudden I find myself in panic mode to make sure she knows “enough” about Jesus and that her identity is completely emerged in Christ and not in any way shape or form what others say about who she is.  In my typical control freak nature, I’ve tried to have conversations (more like manipulations) with her to clarify who she really is and what she really believes.

So just last week I said, “Meg who do you think healed me from cancer?” and with a dumb founded expression she rolled her eyes and said “duh Mom, Jesus!”  I have to admit I felt pretty stupid and yet a burst of relief all at the same time.  That’s when I realized again we do not have to push our beliefs on others, but to simply allow others to observe our lives and decide for themselves.

As a Women’s Christian Life Coach, I have many clients that have husbands or loved ones that are not followers of Christ and they struggle with holding their tongue and waiting patiently for God to move in their lives.  But what I’ve recently learned in scripture is that “Often we look for God’s glorious acts without concern for following his instructions” NIV Study Bible.  My point being is that we must continue every day to patiently TRUST God in a posture of obedience with our lives.   What does that look like for you?  For me personally it starts with meeting the Lord on my knees in the early morning hours or putting my hands up to praise Him in worship.  It’s funny how our postures show exactly what we are feeling internally.  I would like to encourage you the next time you meet with God to notice how you are approaching His throne.  Does your posture reflect His instructions for your life?  Does it show the ultimate love you want so desperately for others to believe?

Please leave a comment today and share your thoughts!  Just click the link below that reads #comments.


How would your life be different if you really believed God’s infinite power in your life?  Would you live like a superhero?  I think I would soar through my days never looking back.  Fear, disbelief, insecurities would not exist!  Approaching problems would be exciting and thrilling because the end result would always be success.

Wow!  Why can’t life really be like that?  Wait a minute.  It can be if we choose to really believe who Christ says He is.  According to Ephesians 3:20,  “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”.

So then why don’t we live every day like a super hero?  One thing I’m certain of is that in this lifetime we will never comprehend exactly who God is and the order of how and why things happen.  In the book of Job, God points out that if we cannot fully grasp common events such as nature, then how can we truly understand God’s moral purposes for our lives?  We end up wasting so much time trying to figure out who God is that we put very little time in just simply believing.  Today let’s shift our mindset to believing God’s ultimate power over us.

  • What can you trust God with today?
  • How will your life be different by doing this?
  • Are you ready to experience God’s unlimited power?

I would love to hear from you!  Please leave a comment below.