Beauty from Pain

porchWill you join me on my front porch today?

As I sit in my rocking chair, listening to the birds chirp, watching the sunrise with the cool gentle breeze blowing, I’m filled with awe and wonder.  God softly whispers, “be still”.

I remember sitting in this very place writing one of many journal entries on my CaringBridge page during my cancer journey. Every entry was written from a secret place deep in my soul. There’s something about facing death that strips away everything you’ve ever tried to hide behind.

Do you want to know the best part about having cancer? I know that sounds crazy, but really there was good that came from living with that dreaded “C” word.

I finally gave myself permission to genuinely be me. There was no need to perform anymore or appear to be something I was not. It naturally forced me to be me while uncovering the gift of life.

I’m #amazed at how God took my most vulnerable and frightening days and turned them into vast strength and courage.

After my third chemotherapy treatment I wrote, “God is using the cancer to change my life for Him to bring New Life in my spirit so I can share Jesus’ love with everyone I meet. Thank you Jesus for my cancer.” I had no clue how true those words would resonate in my daily life today, four years later.

My sweet friend, I’m here today to encourage you, that no matter what pain or hell you might face, it will pass and can be used for God’s greater purpose in your life.

I’m asking you to hold on, even if you have to white knuckle it, because He will create beauty from your pain.

Please share whatever is on your heart today.

Let’s pray for each other. When you leave a comment, please pray for the person that comments before you.

Much love, blessings and God’s favor for you~

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