What do you REALLY believe?


Over the last year I’ve experienced some extremely dark and challenging days doubting what I’ve always believed.

Questioning does God really exist?

Do I really believe in Jesus?

It was very depressing because I felt like such a hypocrite. I mean for goodness sakes, I’m a “Christian Life Coach” so how in the world could I not believe in God?

After many days of a tear-stained face (really heart) in my brokenness I found I had no other place to look but up. So I picked myself up off the floor and reached for my bible.

As I turned the pages, my shattered heart slowly started to mend. I found the truth written in black, white & red ink. I started to believe again. My entire adult life I claimed to believe, but this time it went from my head to my heart. The words penetrated my entire being. I could feel my soul awakening.

As I think back over those fragile months, I ask myself how did a believer go from Fully Relying On God to questioning does Jesus really exist?

It was a slow fade. It started with skipping quiet time a day here and a day there, to weeks of not touching my bible. I was still “doing” all the Christian things but eventually I landed in a pool of doubt that led to drowning in disbelief.

I openly share this with you hoping and praying it encourages you and challenges you to drench yourself in scripture daily. Make it your #1 priority before anything else. I promise new life awaits you in the pages of the Holy Bible.

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