
What can you do to really start trusting God with every area of your life?

When I was asked that question I honestly had no answer.  I was stuck.  My first thought was, I’m “doing” all the Christian things, like having quiet time in the mornings, going to church, volunteering on prayer team, praying with and for my coaching clients.  Shouldn’t that be enough to trusting God with my life?


To be completely honest with you, I only trust God with parts of my life, not with my entire life….ugh!  After being convicted about this and wondering what in the world can I do differently to hand my life completely over to God with 100% trust, the perfect scripture was revealed to me immediately.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Romans 12:2

That was it!  That’s the answer!  Change the way we think.  Stop looking at life from the world’s perspective; instead be transformed by God’s perspective.  So you might ask, how can I start looking at life through the lens of Christ?  I have one simple answer, eat, drink, and sleep the living word of God.  Every time we catch a fleeting thought that is not in alignment with the truth, seek God’s word.  The bible is holy, sacred, powerful, life changing.  The bible can provide the answers to life’s most difficult questions.

However, it takes effort on our part to stop allowing our minds to wander and believe every thought that pops in.  I recently started taking screen shot pictures on my iPhone of bible verses and every time I catch myself thinking a negative thought, I just tap on my photos and I have scriptures available.  It is crucial that we make scripture a necessity for every part of our life.

What can you do today to start trusting God with every area of your life?  I would love to hear from you.  Please click the link below to leave a comment.

Honored to Coach women at!