Say What?


“40 days of juice.  I’m asking you to drink juice for the next 40 days?  No chewing any food.  No solids, straight vegetable and fruit juice.”

Say what???

“You’ve gotta be kidding me?  I love my food way too much…and not to mention no chewing…just slurping some nasty juice?  There is no way I could ever do something so drastic!”

Well my friends, that was the conversation I had with God one early morning, last October.  I was snuggled in my favorite chair, enjoying the solitude, sipping my hot coffee when God stirred my spirit to take a giant step towards radical obedience.

I was in a season where God was opening up many doors in my Christian Life Coaching business.  During that time, he also impressed on my heart to write a book about the truths I’ve learned to live by since my near death experience.  I did not take his instructions lightly.  I knew this was something I could not do in my own strength.

After a few minutes of complaining and arguing with God about this ridiculous juice fast, he whispered, “If I cannot trust you with food, how can I trust you with people?”

Those words pierced my heart and there was no way I could deny what he was asking me to do.

Later that morning I shared with my bible study group that I was going to start a 40-day juice fast the very next day and asked for their earnest prayers.  I sobbed as we prayed together because I knew this was going to be a life long pivotal moment in my relationship with the Lord.  Following Christ with radical obedience wasn’t going to be for this one occasion; instead it was going to become the way of life….a new kind of normal.

As I write this post, ten months has past and I’m currently in the process of signing with a literary agent.  I’ve learned that radical obedience is really the only way to experiencing life with deep satisfaction.

Have you ever had a “Say What” moment with God? I would love to hear from you!

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62 thoughts on “Say What?

  1. Wow! Your “Say What” testimony was not about what you had to give up but what you gained. At first I always dwell on what I have to give up, how I am going to have to do without, how things are going to be different… Well your story made me think about my current situation. I had not thought of it as a “Say What” until this morning and then after reading your blog it made more sense. Four years ago my husband took an expat assignment in China. Prior to this move, I was completing the coursework for my doctorate degree. This was going to be one step closer to gain the love and respect of the people who doubted me and ridiculed my childhood situations. Well God spoke to me when I was alone and felt torn between my family and my dissertation. I completed my coursework, passed my comprehensive exam, and was in the third chapter of my dissertation and preparing to defend. I hated the time I spent with my family because I felt the pull to be working on my dissertation, then I resented the time spent on my dissertation because I felt the desire to be with my family. Although I was encouraged to complete the process in China, I made the decision to not complete my dissertation and to open myself to an experience of a lifetime. When my family returned, I started teaching again. This time was difficult for me because I was still tied to the definition of who I was based on the degrees I had and the accomplishments I mastered. I humbled myself and prayed daily about my purpose. I love teaching, I love connecting to my students and my families, I love seeing them believe in themselves and encourage others, I love teaching. This past year my husband told me about an opportunity to move back to China or to Ireland. I loved my last adventure and was open to the possibility. Then an opportunity to participate in an administrative internship came up and I was torn. I could not wait for a decision from my husband’s employer so I prayed and then I applied. Entering the interview, I decided that I was not going to “sell” myself but just answer the questions and leave the emotion and anticipation out. I asked God to make the decision and that I would be happy with the plan He had for me and my family. I was accepted into the one year program and began my coursework in January. Then a few months later we heard that we would be moving to Ireland. We debated the options and lived with each one for a few weeks before deciding that I would complete the spring and summer courses with my cohort, complete my fall courses online, and contact schools in Ireland to support me with my internship as I volunteer my time. If I stayed, I would have completed my internship, a paid internship, this December. So imagine my reaction when I found out I was accepted into the program, nearly completed the coursework, and then was instructed to give it up and move…”SAY WHAT?”
    I am not sure why, but I fought it the first month in Ireland. Going into a dark pity place of all the things I gave up and for what… Well then I this group started and I reached out to my Church small group I attended in NM and revealed my weakness and my need for prayer and guidance. I need to focus on the moments I am free to spend with God, reading His word, gaining strength in His presence, feeling His love and admiration for who I am, becoming obedient to Him and His requests, blessing others, and realizing I am enough, I have always been enough!
    I still love teaching, I love the lessons beyond the curriculum that I am able to teach, to encourage my students to see and accept their blessings while blessing others, to realize that they are loved and precious…to me teaching is the connection between learning and living. Now it is my turn to be the student and learn from God, His word, and this precious Bible Study Group He has created to encourage us to say YES!

  2. Thanks for sharing your #saywhat moment. I got goose bumps reading it!! I am struggling with giving something up that I have known for a long time that I needed to, but wasn’t ready. God has really been impressing on me over the last few weeks to surrender. Reading this sure has given me encouragement to do what I know God wants me to do.

    • Debbie, I’m here to tell you it will be so worth it!! It’s just taking that first step and then you will be amazed how God’s strength and power takes over. Lifting you up in prayer.

  3. I love your Say What moment! I love how you keep it so real by sharing that at first you argued & complained to God, that he must be kidding. Look at where you are now. Getting ready to sign a book deal. Wow! That’s so awesome!

  4. Praise God! Thank you for sharing your testimony of radical obedience! What an inspiration you are and leading by example! Glory to God ❤

  5. Loved reading this. Thank you for sharing your #saywhat moment. As much as I struggle with food, you made me look at it a different way.

    • Tameka, I’ve always had an emotional attachment to food. However, a few months after my 40 day fast I’ve really been delivered from it. There are moments when I still turn to food for comfort, but overall it’s not my “God” anymore…if you know what I mean. Lifting you up in prayer.

  6. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for sharing this. I needed to read this more than I could ever put into words. How can God trust me with people if He can’t trust me with food??? Such a simple question, but it stopped me in my tracks. I seek comfort in food…I celebrate with food… and here I am trying to bring others closer to God, when I’m not using God for comfort.

    Your testimony has giving me so much to ponder and pray over!
    Thank you for sharing your heart with us!

    • Kelsey,

      the same phrase struck me. If I can’t trust you with food, how can I trust you with people? WOW that is so powerful. That is a sentence God can use with any of us. . . If I can’t trust you with xyz, how can I trust you with abc?

      • Lynn & Kelsey, trust me that question has stuck with me every since God spoke that to me. I’m grateful my testimony encouraged you. I highly recommend fasting (anything). My prayer team leader is encouraging our team to make fasting a part of our life…just like prayer. Not that we have to give up food but whatever we need to let go of to connect and closer with God. Once again can I say Radical Obedience 🙂

  7. Your #SayWhat moment really touched my heart! I am going through a similar situation and you encoraged me to surrender all to the Lord, even when we do not understand and things don’t seem to make sense. Thanks for sharing with us!

  8. Linda,

    This is such a great story! I am honored to be able to watch God working all of this out through you. I am so excited to see what’s coming! ♥

  9. Linda – I can not even IMAGINE the struggle of walking through that 40 day journey … but at the same time, I do dream of taking on this challenge one day. Thanks for posting! You’re an inspiration.

  10. Oh Miss Linda,
    I so love what you wrote. There was a time I heard God’s voice much clearer than I do today. I will get back there again with His help.
    Thank you for being obedient. I look forward to what you have to say.
    Food is the hardest part of my life to give control to God over. Every time I try to diet, curtail my eating, eat differently – there is a trigger inside me that immediately starts craving everything I’ve told myself I was giving up. So – there is the problem – jumping out of that sentence. It’s I, me – in my strength.
    God will get me there in His time.

    • Thank you for your transparency Catherine! I know God will get you there! I love how you realized you were using “I”….I want to encourage you to think of your relationship with God as you simply following him. When we follow a friend that we trust, we find a freedom and we don’t have to try so hard in our own strength. Love you and thank you for being a part of my community!!!

  11. Linda,

    I so appreciate your post today! I am in the midst of a #saywhat transition! I am moving forward in radical obedience to move to an unknown part of the country as a single middle aged empty nester – #saywhat?! But God is working all the pieces out as He is doing in all our lives. I am encouraged and inspired by your words. Thank you!!

    • Barb, you are amazing! I’m inspired by what you are doing. Please let me know how your doing. I KNOW God is going to do some radical things in your life for his glory! 🙂

      • I am also facing the prospect of being a single middle aged parent, my youngest will graduate high school this year. I am in the process of leaving a five year relationship and its really hard to be lonely and not part of a couple anymore. God has said, not a healthy one and so i need to do.

        • Judy,
          I have been married for 42 years to a wonderful, sensitive man who unfortunately does not serve the Lord. I came back to the Lord about 35 years ago. I must tell you that the heartache of knowing that he is lost is so very great. I believe that he will serve Christ before he faces eternity. Meanwhile, I wait and pray and weep and call out to the Lord for him. I do so very much encourage you to wait for the Lord to bring the best person into your life! Wait, wait for the Lord to move! Meanwhile, make a radical change in your thinking and know that being lonely can happen when the man you love sits across the table from you! Half of my life – or more – is a secret from him. So sad!

  12. Wow what an awesome #SayWhat moment. Congratulations on your exciting news! I am hoping to develop my relationship with God like this through the current study and spending more time with him but boy this time of year (with back to school) is it hard!! I hope to be able to return to your blog and post about my #SayWhat moment!!

  13. Linda, what a testimony. I have felt called to lay down my eating habits before the Lord and have been so resistant but with the theme of radical obedience hitting home this week I know I need to do this. I really admire and respect your submission to the Lord. Thank you for sharing this.

  14. Linda, thank you so much for sharing so honestly about your #SayWhat challenge. I appreciated how you struggled with what God was asking of you. The sentence about “God not being able to trust you with food, then how could He trust you with people?,” was such an eye opener for me as I continue to struggle with my emotional eating. I will be thinking long and hard and praying about that sentence.

    • Lauren, I’m lifting you up in prayer as I type this sweet sister. The Lord can and will do powerful things in your life. When we take that first step of obedience that is all he needs from us. You can do it.

  15. Whoa! That was a big #SayWhat moment! I’m not proud of it – but I probably would have spent longer arguing that one. ;0)

  16. My say what moments usually come when I am frustrated with a behavior of my husbands or an issue I feel is his fault. God almost always uses those moments to change something in me. Many times I have been like say what, me again, no! I used to say it defeatedly or angrily and now I go with it and even laugh sometimes, like okay here we go, me again 🙂 Isn’t God good, He does not waste anything!

  17. I believe any fasting releases miracles and abundant blessings. It takes a lot of courage & faith to hear God speaking to us.

  18. Linda, this one did it for me. I’m more inspired now to continue doing what God impresses on my heart. A year or so ago, my husband and I were at a resturant and I saw this elderly man eating by himself and was moved to pay for his meal. Well, since that day, we always try to pay for any elderly person we see eating alone, (sometimes it’s a couple of any age taking a handicapped person out to eat). It’s done very confidentially of course, and the feeling we both have when we leave, knowing that they will be floored, just makes us feel so warm. You are a huge inspiration to many, as I read all the other posts. God Bless You.

    • Wow Kathy! That is so cool! I love that idea of paying for an elderly persons meal! May God bless you and your husband abundantly for your beautiful hearts. xoxoxo

  19. This is encouraging yet scary at the same time! I want to fast, but don’t know how to really go about it. I’m battling the thought of quiting my job and staying home with my kids. Its something I’ve always wanted to do in the back of my mind but financially couldn’t so never thought it was actually possible. Now it seems like God is nudging me and my husband like its time, but how do I know its him nudging me? Its so scary. Can I handle the pressure of not measuring my worth by my job and making money? Its such a twisted mind frame that the world has come up with these days, its hard to get out of it and be confident in staying home and not working and having my husband be the sole money maker and trusting God to provide. Thanks so much for your post and prayers and I’ll be praying for all of you!! 🙂

    • Missy, I want to encourage you to fast about your decision. Not a 40 day juice fast, just whatever you feel God is leading you to about your decision. I am floored by how God has honored me and showered me with many many blessings from my fast. Praying for you now.

    • Missy,
      I sympathize with you. Many years ago I decided to become a stay-at-home mom when my youngest was born. We were a two-income family, yet still poor, living paycheck to paycheck. My income was the larger of the two. My husband and I decided to just go for it (I didn’t know at the time that it was God’s leading). I must say that those were the best years of my life thus far. The amazing ways that GOD provided were and still are unforgettable. That is when I became aware that GOD is my provider. It is a great idea also to pray and fast about this decision and just do what GOD says to do. You’re in my thoughts and prayers my sister. Your comments helped me to remember how things were and how far God has brought me in this wonderful journey called LIFE.

  20. Linda, thank you so much for sharing this. I shared it with my online group. It was perfect for me also. I have been struggling with an issue the last few days and this post was straight to my heart. Once I said yes, everything was confirmed and now I know what God has been telling me. Thank You!

  21. Me fast??? I quit smoking only through prayer 29 years ago. But fast? That is what I substituted for cigarettes. I just gave up sodas 4-6 weeks (and 18 pounds) ago. But ANOTHER fast? Pray for me.

  22. Wow, I love your blog. It seems so small yet it was much more. Not sure I could handle just having a liquid diet for that long. Thank you for posting this today.

  23. I love this! How can God trust us with people if he can’t trust us with…(whatever it may be for each of us). Thank you for that. And thank you for always sharing your heart. Can’t wait to see more amazing things God does in and through you. Love you friend!! And next time you go to NY take meeeee! 😉

  24. I can relate to the juicing thing cause when I was six years old I broke my jaw on the hard tile floor and then had my mouth wired shut. so when I had mouth weird shut. I couldn’t eat solid foods I drank only nasty smoothies. then I had my very first jaw surgery later on. And then found out they didn’t do it right so I had it for the third and final time. I was on liquids for a year after that last surgery. now I can eat normally but no steak . but hey the best part about this surgery is that its finally forming its own joint even though I have a plastic jaw now. anyways my say what moment would have to be when I went to go sign up to rock babys through are out reach and Got put on the prayer team instead. we have what they call a wow jam through are church. and every year I sign up to rock baby’s so that’s what I singed up for that year. well I got a call from the leader of the group and it was the prayer team . they said so are you ready to pray for people. I said say what in my mind . cause I did not sign up for it. I said to God why me? but instead of saying know I said yes all be there so I showed up. I was nervous felt lost. I asked my pastor to pray over me and he did. and then I was able to pray for others. ever since then I have craved prayer

  25. One day I was so excited to be cooking the first harvest of squash from my garden. It smelled so good simmering in butter and onions…mouth watering. When I checked on it to be sure it had liquid I heard (in my spirit) the Lord say don’t eat the squash. I thought surely I heard wrong. Then I heard the Lord say “If you love me don’t eat the squash.” I questioned again and He said again “If you love me don’t eat the squash.” After the third time, I didn’t eat the squash. I thought maybe something was wrong with the squash, but after sharing this with my spiritual mom, she told me it was for her…a lesson in obedience.

  26. Linda, way to say yes to God! I cringed a little as I read your post! Juice only… No food… Aaaarrrrggghhhhh! It may have seemed impossible, but with God, all things are possible. And if He can trust you with something small, can you imagine the huge things He has in store! Oh the possibilities. God has been nudging me to give a little extra in a special offering at church. This is a big #say what! Because I’m not even working! My husband is the only person brining in the bacon! He pays the tithes cheerfully and regularly, but I don’t see how in the world we can add one more thing to our plate! On top of having one income, I recently had surgery and the bills are billing up. Even with insurance it’s costly! He’s given me a certain dollar amount, but I’m nervous because I’m worried how we will manage. I keep telling myself,if God is making this request, surely He already has a plan for us. Oh Linda, help me pray that I can stop worrying and do as I have been instructed.

    • Courtney, I am praying for you. Remember God is of peace. When we worry or question things it’s often from the enemy trying to get us off track. I pray for clarity and peace over your decision to move forward. Many blessings to you~

  27. Oh Linda! I have been contemplating a juice fast! I bought the wrong piece of equipment so it has not happened yet. Your blog post kind of hit me between the eyes, Girlfriend! I’m going to spend some time in prayer about this. Thank you for sharing your #SayWhat #SayYes experience!

  28. What an interesting story you shared with us. I got chills all over reading your blog. I liked the party where God said “If I cannot trust you with food, how can I trust you with people?” Never thought of it that way, but it’s true.

  29. I need to give up drinking soda’s . They are my happy when I am happy -sad-stressed but they are making me sick feeling because I drink to many . I pray everyday for God to help me give them up – I start out good and then as the day goes on I fail. I know this is something I need to do and by reading your story . I will try again Tommorrow . I have on my desk a index cards with a prayer on it to help me . Thanks for all your help
    If I can just give up this . Just think what else I can do with Gods help. Thank you for being so real , normal a person just like me. You make it easyer to relate to the real world. Thanks Joan

    • Joan, your words mean so much to me! The greatest desire of my heart is to love and encourage women with authenticity. Thank you for your affirmation today 🙂 Much love to you friend!

      • Thank you for all you do . I am so glad I found proverbs 31 and you . helps me get my day going .. Thanks Thanks

  30. Thank you for sharing your SAY WHAT moment Linda, I really needed to hear this….I just shared my SAY WHAT moment earlier..I was answering questions on my Say Yes study and couldn’t figure out what God was leading me to give up…. Well, here goes: In my time of thinking, I heard this whisper: “your weight”…boy was that a SAY WHAT moment for me. I have struggled with my weight all my life. I guess I have to give up “Denying I have to lose weight”, I’m unwilling, but want to be obedient I want to lose this weight, I’m so tired of being heavy, and I surrender this to God. This has always been hard for me. I have ready some of the post and they mention the fasting as you told us, I am going to start a fast, of skipping one meal. Please pray for me, Thank You.
    Blessings Anna

    Psalm 46:1 He is my refuge and my strength.

    • Praying for you Anna. I want to encourage you to continue to spend time with the Lord and simply follow his lead one day at a time…one moment at a time. That is all we can do. When I started my fast, I would often find myself in a panic thinking how can I do this for 40 days and God reminded me to live in the present moment only. I believe in you sweet sister.

  31. Wow what a #saywhat moment you had. When I first read about the #saywhat moments in the book I thought I do not have any. The more I read I realized I have had several so I will share one. I had a dream several years ago and it was my husband preaching behind a pulpit. Let me back up and say when I first married I had a fear that we would let everyday life get us out of church, so I prayed over and over “Lord if it takes Whalon (my husband) to become a preacher to keep us in church make him one. Several days after I had this dream me and Whalon were lying in bed and I told him my dream and the look on his face was priceless. I ask him what was wrong it was just a dream. He said, No you don’t understand the Lord has been dealing with me to start preaching and I told him this morning “Lord if I am understanding right and you want me to preach send me a for sure sign”. I remember laying there with my mouth wide open. God is an on time God. He has been preaching ever since then. That was 13 years ago and God has blessed so much since then.

  32. My Say What experience may not seem like one to many people, but it was for me at the time. Back in February, God told me I needed to go with some ladies at my church on a mission trip to Guatemala. I’m a girl who has never really left the country, never went on any kind of mission trip, and never even told my testimony to people before. I prayed on it a while but everything was pointing me to go and i knew I was supposed to. That trip was the first week of July and it was a great experience. I think my favorite part was helping the moms by bringing them food and supplies.

    Now, I believe God is telling me that I am supposed to lead a women’s bible study at my church. That is something that I could never imagine doing. I still consider myself a young Christian, so it is scary for me. I’ve already talked to the pastor’s wife though, and we are looking at doing something in the future. Our women’s ministry currently has no bible women’s bible studies, and it’s something I’ve missed. Okay, I guess I’ve kind of rambled on here — I hope it all makes sense.

    • Stephanie, that’s so exciting! You will be the perfect person to lead your ladies bible study because of your complete dependence on the Lord. God will use you in a powerful way to reach the hearts of the women in your church. I’m lifting you in prayer sweet sister. I’m so jealous about your missionary trip….that is something I’ve always wanted to do!!

  33. Wow Linda,
    I love that you were willing to be transparent with what the Lord was asking you. I think our hashtag of #SayWhat really fits your hesitancy to want to go on a fast. Love your obedience. On a personal note, I’ve said that I need to use my time better. But I did nothing about it. The Lord talked to me about giving Him control of my time. The other day my elbow broke ina bizarre accident. I was told today that surgery cannot be scheduled for quite a while. So I rest in His perfect peace.

    • Julie, You’ve given me a gentle reminder today to continue to walk in obedience. 🙂 I’m saying a prayer for you today for your healing and time with the Lord.

  34. I fully get the “say what” moment with food. About 3 or so months ago. I was reading an email that had come to me and it talked about some online coaching for Food with a spiritual base. It would be for 30 days, nothing white, nothing artificial, only what God created. I had this overwhelming feeling that I had to do this. This email was directed at me. I was not wanting to do this. No way, give up food on top of what I already can’t eat. no way. Say WHAT?? Well I have gone through it twice and WoW!! I have lost inches and here we go…… OK Thank you Lord for not giving up. Thank You for sharing.

    • Wow Joanne! That’s amazing. When I did my fast, I didn’t think about how much weight I would loose because I was completely focused on following through with obedience…however, I’ve been so thankful since I did the fast because I did not realize how my weight was affecting me physically. Today, I’m so much stronger physically and when I look in the mirror I feel good about what I see. I had no idea how God was going to bless me in so many different areas just my simply saying Yes 🙂

  35. After reading this God placed on my heart that saying #YESTOGOD, and #saywhat, kind of come together. Once we say yes, we can’t turn back and God is going to take up places we never thought we’d have to deal with. We’re still facing foreclosure but in the midst of it, my #YESTOGOD had brought a surrealistic “peace beyond understanding”, and the answer to #saywhat? in the midst of this is God just wants me to let go, as He unwraps my tightly gripped fingers to my circumstances and shows me how to receive His blessings, yes , even in the midst of the storm.

  36. WOW! I felt in need of a little encouragement today…a place to start my devotions and prayer this morning. I went to the blog hop page and randomly chose a blog. You were truly God’s voice for me today!!!! If I can’t trust you with food how can I trust you with people? God CLEARLY called me into the ministry (a great story for another time). I have thought he would lay out that plan for me. Instead I have been feeling the “nudge” to take care of myself. I kept wondering why we weren’t communicating about my call…what’s ask about diet and exercise?…I know how to do that..I just don’t. Then the nudges got stronger and so I found myself hiding my eating from God…yeah I thought I was successful:) Just yesterday I said to God…I am tired of thinking about food…it consumes me…I feel emotional…I eat…I feel “better”for a very short time and then I feel worse then before…I have let myself down and my God. I use that “he loves me no matter what” line a lot to justify my behavior. I will be praying and meditating on that sentence. I don’t know you but God might have just used you to change my life…thank you seems so small!

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