Inspirational Coaching Minute

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5 

Will you join me in trusting God with every part of your life?  How will you start living out this verse immediately?  Let’s encourage each other today by leaving a comment below.

*Make sure to watch next week’s Inspirational Coaching Minute!  I’ve got a special giveaway!!!

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18 thoughts on “Inspirational Coaching Minute

  1. Thanks so much. One of my favorite verses and was on my college graduation announcements, at the age of 39. I too seem to be afraid to trust and then I get frustrated with myself. God promises to be there, and His way is all we need and then I think I can manipulate for the outcome I want, not HIs will. I want to pledge today to step up and trust in Him with ALL my areas of life.

    • Judy, thank you for sharing your pledge with us today. I am lifting you up in prayer tonight and I know God is going to honor your hearts desire. Thank you for being a part of this community!! ((hugs))

  2. I am having such a rough day. New to this and not sure i am understanding how to trust. So much anxiety today. If anyone has any advice or ideas.

    • Hi Sara! I’ll be praying for you. This too is an area I struggle in. Know that you can always trust in God! He will never leave you, forsake you, and loves you more than anything!
      Song of Solomon 6:3, Tells how He is yours and you are His. Deuteronomy 31:6 states “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” And, First Peter 5:7 states “Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
      These are just a few of my favorites, however, there are many more that expresses His love for us! I hope this helps!

      • Thanks Courtney. I feel like I am doing something wrong or not getting it. I pray for peace and to calm my anxiety but I feel like its still there. I have so many blessings but the area I am struggling with is just not getting better. I don’t understand if I’m missing something, others are just so much further along with their relationship with God. I just don’t know how to get there. This probably isn’t making sense. I guess I am not sure how to have a relationship with God or what to do.

        • Sara, I can honestly tell you that my faith wavers at times that causes a stained relationship with God. I think we all do! Just stay in the word, and stay with the P31 ladies! Linda is great, and a few others that are very helpful in my walk are Lysa TerKurst, Jamy Whitaker, Sheila Mangum, and Melissa Taylor. I follow their blogs. Sheila has a great 3 tier prayer she does weekly, here’s today’s:
          And, you can always reach out to me at I cant promise I’ll have all the answers, but I can certainly pray with you!

        • Sara, I want to reassure you that you are not doing anything wrong. Relationship take time…lots of time to build, connect and just feel comfortable around each other. This is true with our relationship with God. When I look at other people and their relationship with God it is all to easy to compare. Andy Stanley once said, “Comparison never wins.” I want to encourage you today that you are headed in the right direction because you have a eager heart to know Him better. I will be praying for you sweet sister. I too know how it feels to struggle with anxiety.

          • Thank you Linda for your kind words. I was wondering how you form a closer relationship with God. Maybe if I had some steps to follow I would feel like I am going in the right direction. It just feels overwhelming and I don’t know where to start. I am new to this so I am not really sure.

  3. Thanks, Linda. I am really enjoying your thoughts. Proverbs 3:5 is a verse that I should put on an index card and keep with me at all times. 🙂 Praise God.

  4. Hi Linda! Thank you for being raw and honest with us! I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I know I love The Lord and I know he’s will direct my paths, but sometimes I’m just unsure! Then I start to question me being a Christian. I’ll pray to God and confess to Him how I’m feeling. He then leads me to reassuring scriptures that He knows best and He’s has a plan for me, just trust and believe! From there, I’m journal and mediate on that scripture/ verse. I’ve even started map versing, that’s to Melissa Taylor :), and I personalize the verse so its more real to my life.

    • Courtney, thank you for reading my post and welcoming my vulnerability. I truly believe this is where all of us can learn and build a deeper relationship with God is when we open up and share our struggles. Blessings to you ~

      • Thank you for your honesty..I have always loved that verse but there are times in our life we need to be reminded of it. God bless your ministry and I look forward to more.

  5. Hi Linda,
    I just have to say that you brighten my Tuesdays 🙂 . Thank you for doing these videos. I agree with you Linda….I think strength comes from diving into our bibles. I have been seeking the Lord through his word. It seems so hard to give everything to Him. Every time
    I submit and give Him my all He shows me something I have never seen before. So I know that it pleases Him. His grace is so amazing. His blessings are so abundant. I am so slow to learn. I want to surrender and trust with everything. I need to submit to Him with my all my ways. His ways are the best ways.
    Thank you for all of your support and encouragement

  6. Sara asked if I had any steps in building a relationship with God. And the very first place to start is reading the bible. Even if you are unsure what to read or where to start, just anything and read. That is the first place I connect with God. Also, journaling my prayers helps tremendously! Again, you do not have to have something eloquent to say, just be yourself like you are talking to a friend…because he is and will always be our very best friend. Sara please don’t be discouraged. It takes time to develop any relationship. You are on the right track!

  7. I received this email right at the moment I needed to be reminded of this verse. I had just received word from my husband that his schedule would not allow me to attend a woman’s retreat that I really wanted to attend. I began to get discouraged but this reminded me that God knows my desire to build godly friendships and I have to trust his timing. Thank you for your posts every week!

    • Niki, I love how God sends us the perfect word at the exact time we need it! I’m sorry you were disappointed about your retreat, but I know God will honor your trusting heart. Thank you for being a part of our sweet community here!

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