The Pressure to “Be Someone”


Do you ever catch yourself feeling insignificant?

As I was talking with a close friend on the phone several weeks ago I uttered these words, “I’m learning to accept me right where I am today. No matter if I live another day on this earth, I am enough right where I am, right in this moment.”

It was like a breath of fresh air washed over my soul.

Ahhhhh….what a relief to accept myself for who I am today. Thank you Jesus!

From my very first childhood memory I had expectations to “be someone”. I never identified clearly what that “someone” was supposed to do or who she was suppose to be, but it’s always lingered over me.

For goodness sakes, we live in a world that screams being famous or onstage means you are “someone” of significance.

I’ve struggled my entire life with feeling unworthy. I’ve never truly felt good enough…whatever good enough is?

Four years ago as I awoke from a month-long coma to find out I had been miraculous healed, it was too much to bare. Honestly it’s taken every bit of four years for me to wrap my brain around God’s love and grace for my life.

As I move forward in the calling He has placed on my soul, I find myself juggling authenticity and significance.

I’m learning and starting to accept that I am significant, pure, holy, loving, precious and worthy in His sight.

The need to “be someone” is an outright lie from the enemy. There’s only one person that needs to “be someone” in our lives and that is Jesus Christ.

I want to encourage you today, that YOU ARE SOMEONE, that you too are significant, pure, holy, loving, precious and worthy in Christ.

I invite you to change your perspective with me.

Have you been trying to “be someone” and yet just ended up with feelings of emptiness? We are not in this alone. I would love to hear your thoughts today. Leave me a comment below.


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22 thoughts on “The Pressure to “Be Someone”

  1. “I’m learning to accept me right where I am today. No matter if I live another day on this earth, I am enough right where I am, right in this moment.”

    Linda – this is so powerful and so profound. I know that this is what God wants for all of us – to know that we are significant and beautiful and worthy in His eyes. Thank you for such a wonderful post. Love you.

  2. I realized that most of my life I have wondered if I am good enough. There have been times in my life when I worked outside the home, in various jobs. Now, due to physical conditions, working outside the home is not really an option. But, some people ask, “Where do you work?” and I reply that I take care of my home and family, and my volunteer time is important to me. But, sometimes, there are awkward silences, or comments like, “Oh, you don’t work?” My family reminds me that my volunteer work and church activities are important to myself and to others.
    I am God’s child and that makes me important to Him and that is what matters most. 🙂 Thanks, Linda, for always giving us powerful messages. 🙂

    • Melissa, I’m learning and starting to embrace that my “work” does not define me. No matter what I’m “doing” I will always be working for the Lord with every breath I take. Thank you for being real on my blog. Much love beautiful friend~

  3. “I’m learning to accept me right where I am today. No matter if I live another day on this earth, I am enough right where I am, right in this moment.”

    Wow, this is exactly what God has been working on with me!! I too, like the previous poster, Melissa have illnesses that prevent me from working. I have attached my worth to doing for so many years. Last night, I heard God whisper ” I had to take a part of you, so that you could see more of me!!” I was in awe of His message.

    I am not happy that it took illness to turn me back to God. Chronic Illness is so very hard, but I am glad that God cared enough about me to get my attention back to Him.

    Thank you so much for reassuring me that I am enough, right where I am!!

    • Thank you Kim for being here, real and open on my blog. I’m thrilled that I could encourage and assure you that you are enough 🙂 ((hugs))

  4. It seems as if I’ve been trying to just “be” a better me and I think I put a ton of undue pressure on myself because of it. I really need to be exactly who I am but unfortunately, I’ve been trying to find out who the heck that is for so long, I feel incredibly lost. I have a great life, but not inside my heart, as I don’t think I could look in the mirror and truly know who it is that’s looking back at me, or even if I care to. Reading A Confident Heart IS making me look deep, but it just seems so black. I’m sure I’ll find some color in there soon. Thanks Linda for your pure honesty.

    • Kathy thank you too for your pure honesty. Praying right now that the Lord will show you who you truly are in His eyes. It’s not easy to receive His love but when I do I notice a natural love and acceptance I have for myself. Thank you for being here on my blog~

  5. Beautiful post Linda, Thank you for sharing your heart. I too am in the “chronic illness” boat and find myself questioning my purpose in life at times. But God in His Goodness continues to reassure me that I am where I am for this season of my life, and He can be glorified even in my time of rest. I see glimpses of Him building my character and getting me ready for my next season of life, whatever that may be. Finding my worth only in Him has been a lifelong process, but He has patiently removed the layers of scar tissue that has built up over the years, and has gently rubbed His healing salve into many of my life’s wounds. Thank you for sharing, Blessings dear sister <3

  6. Thank you for your post today, Linda! This reminds me of “I am deeply loved, fully pleasing, totally forgiven, accepted, & complete in Christ! I needed to read this today! Be blessed today!

  7. Linda, the timing of this article is perfect. I feel like I’ve always looked to others for approval, when it shouldn’t matter what others think of me, it is what God thinks of me. And my cousin reminded me of that just yesterday when she said ‘as far as I know you are perfect the way you are. You have so many awesome qualities that you don’t even realize. Just be you. Put the focus and energy into your strengths. You can only be you’. I so needed to be reminded of how I should focus on my strengths and all that I have to offer vs. be hammered on about my weaknesses. I truly people that we should try to enhance our strengths work on fixing our weaknesses.

    Your message was a good reminder that I’m special in God’s eyes and if I do what I love; even if it doesn’t pay six figures I’ll achieve true happiness.


  8. I am still struggling with knowing God’s acceptance of me. I know the things He is pointing me toward doing…I hear His whispers. But I still look for praise from others at work. I want to be told that was a “great meeting”, ” you did a terrific job on that project”. I love the idea of “preaching by your deeds” and this is what drives me, to some extent, to do a good job at work. But I know in my heart that it is not truly what God wants of me (long hours at work and exhaustion by the weekend). For me, that is the great divide I need to conquer. I’m also reading A Confident Heart, but have not honestly sat down to journal my thoughts….working too much. Maybe I just answered my own question. Fewer hours at work and I’ll have more time for my OBS which means so much to me.

    • Sheila I want to encourage you to get that journal out today! 🙂 Something about the journaling process always brings healing and clarity to my soul~

  9. Oh my goodness! This is me and has been my whole life! Up until now I have felt empty and alone. I struggle with depression and anxiety… Also have fibromyalgia. My husband is also physically and emotionally cut off from me. God in the last year showed me how real he is and how he provides in ways I never thought possible. Now God is taking me on a journey to heal some past hurt in my spirit which is so hard! There are days I want someone to rescue me, or need help… Working on myself is the only thing I have left it seems like but it’s the hardest thing.

    Thank you for this blog you have shown me I’m not alone and God is going to restore my life and my marriage… I really need prayer for my anxiety and depression

  10. Thank you, Linda, for this great teaching! Isn’t it amazing that, in one or two generations, women are shamed for not working outside the home? Look at the P31 Woman of the Bible: she took care of family first, then did other things. My hubby and I were scolded when our daughters were born, by well-intentioned people who constantly asked us if we were: bored, broke, behind the times, is this why you can’t get new stuff and go on vacation? We were urged to put the kids in day care, but when we pointed out we would actually be paying more for some one else to raise our kids, these people (including family, friends, and hubby’s work associates) started backing off with their comments. We learned to bloom where we were planted, having to move quite frequently in the early years of our marriage because of job changes for hubby, and it was so worth it. Don’t let others steal your joy! Keep praying for the Holy Spirit to guide you. xo

  11. I tried so hard when I was a teenager to be the most poplar and the best at everything and wanted the best looking boys to notice me.I was a christain and went to church,but oh I had so much to learn.It took me awhile to finally realize that I was the best in God’s eyes and that was all I needed.I on;y need God and I have it all.So thankful He finally got through to me.But He aways does sooner and not later.God Bless you and all you under take to do for the Lord..

  12. If you asked me when I was growing up what I wanted to be my standard answer was “a wife and a mommy”. God answered my that prayer. My older son is 20 and my younger is 13 – I’ll always be their “mom” but the hard work of being a “mommy” is pretty much done – so is my identity. I’ve been married for 23 years – my husband works 3 jobs to support us – my identity as “wife” has changed. So here I am, turning 55 next week, looking for who I truly am in Christ – my true identity – the only one that will never change – learning to accept myself right now where I am and asking God to show me my next step

    • Happy Birthday Randi!! The best is yet to come. Praying you will hear the Lord and receive his abundant love as you fully embrace your beautiful self!!! Birthday ((hugs))

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