The Pressure to “Be Someone”


Do you ever catch yourself feeling insignificant?

As I was talking with a close friend on the phone several weeks ago I uttered these words, “I’m learning to accept me right where I am today. No matter if I live another day on this earth, I am enough right where I am, right in this moment.”

It was like a breath of fresh air washed over my soul.

Ahhhhh….what a relief to accept myself for who I am today. Thank you Jesus!

From my very first childhood memory I had expectations to “be someone”. I never identified clearly what that “someone” was supposed to do or who she was suppose to be, but it’s always lingered over me.

For goodness sakes, we live in a world that screams being famous or onstage means you are “someone” of significance.

I’ve struggled my entire life with feeling unworthy. I’ve never truly felt good enough…whatever good enough is?

Four years ago as I awoke from a month-long coma to find out I had been miraculous healed, it was too much to bare. Honestly it’s taken every bit of four years for me to wrap my brain around God’s love and grace for my life.

As I move forward in the calling He has placed on my soul, I find myself juggling authenticity and significance.

I’m learning and starting to accept that I am significant, pure, holy, loving, precious and worthy in His sight.

The need to “be someone” is an outright lie from the enemy. There’s only one person that needs to “be someone” in our lives and that is Jesus Christ.

I want to encourage you today, that YOU ARE SOMEONE, that you too are significant, pure, holy, loving, precious and worthy in Christ.

I invite you to change your perspective with me.

Have you been trying to “be someone” and yet just ended up with feelings of emptiness? We are not in this alone. I would love to hear your thoughts today. Leave me a comment below.


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