Chasing Extraordinary


As a Christian Life Coach I spend a lot of time listening. My clients amaze me with their courage and bravery, as they are completely authentic with me. Often times I pinch myself because I get to do the work I love.

I’ve noticed over the past few years a common underlying theme that is generally unspoken. And before I share this with you, I’ll go ahead and confess, I have lived 95% or more of my life this way too.

We are living our lives chasing the extraordinary instead of embracing the ordinary.

I believe we live in a state of fear that we will never be “good enough” or “important enough” because we are chasing the extraordinary. Truth is the extraordinary is rare. I’m not trying to be negative here, but honestly the majority of our days, hours and minutes are filled with the ordinary. For example, washing dishes, paying bills, grocery shopping, driving to work…

After thinking about embracing the ordinary, I really couldn’t get excited. Truth is I really do not like washing dishes or grocery shopping. No matter how many times I try to convince myself to see the positive and be grateful I still manage to fall back into hating the ordinary and wishing for the extraordinary. The next thing I know, I’m feeling weak, insecure and lacking confidence because my life appears to not measure up to the “extraordinary”.

But take heart my friends, because I found scripture that will shed light on the ordinary and help us push through!

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to preserve so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Hebrews 10:35-36

Will you consider shifting your perspective with me? Let’s move from chasing the extraordinary to embracing the ordinary because we have God’s promises waiting for us!

How would your life be different if you embraced the ordinary? I love hearing from you. Let me know your thought in the comments below.


Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the coaching experience.

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7 thoughts on “Chasing Extraordinary

  1. Hello, Linda. I find that in my life, if I stop to embrace the ordinary, the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Sometimes something as simple as watching the birds outside or the squirrels, or just taking time to be thankful over little things, truly allows me to realize how extraordinary God’s blessings are for all of us. My husband says that he loves when I get excited over little things. 🙂

  2. That hit a chord in my heart. Deep thinking; so simple yet so very true. Renee Swope -Proverbs 31 – uses that verse too !

  3. Oh. Linda, a few times I was really ill. When lying in bed I clearly remember thinking:”I can’t wait to be able to do the dishes!” I had nausea & vertigo so standing was not so easy.Now I make an effort to daily embrace the ordinary! Thanks for your wonderful posts! xo

  4. Again it seems like your on my thought pattern. I look for the extraordinary because sometimes I just don’t feel good enough to do the ordinary. I’ve had another medical crisis where my last surgery in May of this year has not healed and busted open. For the last 11 1/2 years I’ve had one thing after another happen and each time God has brought me out of the crisis so I know he has a purpose for me. With my nose all messed up I mostly stay in the bedroom under humidifiers and vaporizers. Having had my nose rebuilt several times I have picked at it so much that I think I have reached the other side and it’s just open space now. It keeps clotting blood. That scares me. It’s like being a prisoner in my own home and body. My head is hissing most of the time. I want God to set me free. I appreciate your thinking on this. You have to really open up yourself to discover the true meaning of life.

  5. This is something I’ll admit I fall into all the time–that all the ordinary things I do aren’t good enough and I should be doing something fantastic. Definitely something to think about, thanks for sharing!!

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