
It seems to me that everybody has some sort of addiction these days. And if you don’t want to call it a full blown out “addiction”, then we all have some sort of vice we use. Whether it is Starbucks, work, perfectionism, comfort food, shopping, alcohol or even stress. I came to the conclusion that I’m addicted to the adrenaline stress produces. Honestly, I always thought of those people who do extreme sports or adventures were the only ones classified as “addicted to adrenaline”. However, it’s been brought to my attention that the natural hormone, called epinephrine is released in our bloodstream when we are stressed and this explains why I thrive when operating in a stressed-out mode.

Being an adrenaline junkie is honestly quit embarrassing to admit because I long to be a peaceful content soul who also appears to have it “all together”. The problem here is the fact that I’m striving to be something that I’m not and that is where the stress is created in the first place! So becoming aware of this whole new addiction has forced me to take a step back and examine the truth. Who I really am and whom I’m really living for. This revelation led me to spending some time in my journal writing down my core values and how I can start living a life that honors them.

I would like to invite you today to a little coaching exercise. Take out your journal and write down these questions and spend some time honestly answering them.

• Is there anything I use in my life as a “vice” and if so why?
• Who am I living for?
• What are my core values?
• What can I do to honor my values and myself?

I would love to hear from you! Everyone who comments today will be entered to win a Starbucks gift card! Winner will be announced next Thursday. Congratulations to Kathy Murphy for last weeks drawing for the Mini-Retreat!

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