
It seems to me that everybody has some sort of addiction these days. And if you don’t want to call it a full blown out “addiction”, then we all have some sort of vice we use. Whether it is Starbucks, work, perfectionism, comfort food, shopping, alcohol or even stress. I came to the conclusion that I’m addicted to the adrenaline stress produces. Honestly, I always thought of those people who do extreme sports or adventures were the only ones classified as “addicted to adrenaline”. However, it’s been brought to my attention that the natural hormone, called epinephrine is released in our bloodstream when we are stressed and this explains why I thrive when operating in a stressed-out mode.

Being an adrenaline junkie is honestly quit embarrassing to admit because I long to be a peaceful content soul who also appears to have it “all together”. The problem here is the fact that I’m striving to be something that I’m not and that is where the stress is created in the first place! So becoming aware of this whole new addiction has forced me to take a step back and examine the truth. Who I really am and whom I’m really living for. This revelation led me to spending some time in my journal writing down my core values and how I can start living a life that honors them.

I would like to invite you today to a little coaching exercise. Take out your journal and write down these questions and spend some time honestly answering them.

• Is there anything I use in my life as a “vice” and if so why?
• Who am I living for?
• What are my core values?
• What can I do to honor my values and myself?

I would love to hear from you! Everyone who comments today will be entered to win a Starbucks gift card! Winner will be announced next Thursday. Congratulations to Kathy Murphy for last weeks drawing for the Mini-Retreat!

Coaching women around the world at

24 thoughts on “Addicted

  1. I’ve come to realize that pleasing others has been my biggest stressor and addiction. I want to please my family, so I take on extra tasks and schedules in order to make them happy. I want to please the friends and family who come to my house, so I spend time each day scampering around with a vacuum, a cleaning bottle, and a rag. But when I want to please The Lord, all I have a left is a few measely moments in bed, where I’m falling asleep over scripture. In addition, there is something that He desires me to do, that he has called me to do for years, and I have come to realize I’ve been saying no to Him in order to feed my addiction of pleasing others. Thanks for the post!

  2. Great blog! Your words have rung true to me. We can get caught up or snagged by so many things can’t we? I know for me it can be a number of things at different times. I really love the idea of reflecting on your questions, and I want to add it to my list (Accomplisher 🙂 ) to spend time doing this, and can see the value in identifying those things that mean the most and in turn can expressively live the life we crave.

    Thanking you for your wonderful insight.

    Blessings, Natalie.

  3. Linda, I don’t like to consider myself addicted to anything, but I know I use food as my comfort and medication for pain, so I guess—call a spade, a spade. I am trying to live my life for Jesus Christ who died to save me and for the Father who loves me, yet often I live my life thinking of ME. I consider my core values to be the Written Word of God, but I don’t live up to that standard as I ought. Food doesn’t really comfort, but God, my Father does really comfort. I’m going to make a greater effort to go to Him in times of stress. Also, He needs to be first when I’m in physical pain. He is the true healer. For a number of years, anytime I had to take a pain pill I would say out loud “by His stripes I am healed”. I’ve not done that in some time. I’ve drifted from my core. Thank you for the reminder.

  4. Linda,
    Thanks for sharing that you don’t have it all together!! I know that sounds bad, but it is comforting in a way that we are all on this journey together and that we will not have it all together until we get to the end.
    As I worked through this chapter, I was asking myself similar questions that you listed above. It was interesting to see what ‘vices’ have just appeared in my life without much thought on my part. I can say that I am living for God, but realized this week that my actions & activities don’t always show it. Thanks again for your honesty and your challenging questions. God Bless!

  5. Linda, when I looked up the definition for the word “vice” I didn’t really find a meaning that made sense in your first question. What do you intend the word “vice” to me in your question “Is there anything I use in my life as a ‘vice’ and if so why?”

    Thank you!

    • Hi Denise! Vice to means something I use or go to instead of dealing with my problem at hand. For example, when I’m sad I eat a cookie instead of sitting with my feelings and deal with them. I hope that helps. Thanks for the question.

  6. Great post for me today. I have been struggling with a couple of addictions that have become “gods” to me. I think these are great questions for me to journal about.

  7. Thank you ~ your words are always encouraging to me. My addictions . . . I feel like are many. I cannot just ‘be still’ I have to be accomplishing something all the time. I actually think it stems from promoting my self worth. WOW I just now figured that out.
    I ‘try’ to live for Jesus and have His will in my life ~ sometimes I mess that up ha ha and have to get back on the right track. Core value I feel I am true to.
    WOW these were hard ones but I am glad I did this because I never really thought about all the things I do are actually addictions but . . . . . . truth is they are.

  8. Linda, this was a wonderful post. What a great reminder for each of us to really look at who we are living for. I LOVE the challenge you put out to your readers. I am going to take this challenge.

  9. I too think these are great questions to journal about and will start today. I can already admit that one vice in my life is just not dealing with things or giving them to God, basically just ignoring them until they become so big I am overwhelmed! (That happens with my house cleaning too! LOL) I want to be known as someone who lived for Jesus but right now I can say that would not be on my tombstone! I am going to be INTENTIONAL the rest of this week and am excited to see the results! 🙂

  10. After reading this chapter, I have wanted to write down my priorities and then evaluate if my life reflects my priorities. So far I have God first (good), my husband (good), my health, ie, rest, exercise, eating healthy (all good). But then I wonder where my writing, my outside of my home family fits, friends, church, serving at church. I don’t work, but then I also wonder where taking care of my home fits in there and things like reading and personal time (crafts and e-mail). In prioritizing I don’t want them to be my priorities but God-given priorities based on the strengths He has gifted me with. Thank you for letting me process through some of this.

  11. Linda, I really enjoy reading your post. I have written these questions down and I will be going back to it when I get home. (I am at work right now) I want to take your challenge. I do not to be told I am addicted to something but I sure found out in this chapter that I am addicted to the stresses of life. Thank you for being truthful.

  12. Hey Linda! Great post! It is a bit embarrassing, but I guess I do have a vice. It is diet coke. I know. I just cannot seem to give it up. I love the little fizzy bubbles. Who am I living for? I want to say Jesus and I think I am. What are my core values? Honestly, integrity. What can I do to honor myself? I probably could drink less of my fizzy delight. I know it really isn’t great to drink soda. <3 -Sue

  13. I love this, Linda. And I can definitely relate. It seems that we are on the same page…just this week I wrote some questions in my journal causing me to re-evaluate and restructure some places as well as determine my motives. Thanks for confirming I am indeed hearing from the Man upstairs 😉 Love, Shelly

  14. I have to say that comfort (aka “junk food”) is a vice for me. When I’m stressed I reach straight for the french fries, greasy burger, or chocolate ice cream. Who am I living for? Well, that was a tough one for me….sadly, I think for myself. I need to focus more on God and what HE wants for my life instead of what I want. I’m still learning in that area, and while I feel I have gotten better at listening for Him, it still doesn’t come naturally to me. Core Values…definitely honesty and faithfulness. To honor my values and myself — lean on God for support and I think He will take care of the rest.

  15. Hey Linda,
    I love reading your blogs. Always gives me something to think on. I will definitely be working on the questions.
    My vice is Facebook and stupid games….my go to when I’m bored.

    Thanks, Catherine

  16. Hi my name is Denise. I am addicted to adrenaline. I have been when I graduated from fire/ems training. From the page out my heart raced everything moved so fast my mind would race, the thrills, the disappointments, Sometime the adrenaline would wear off fast sometimes it would take days. I never really looked at the affects of this til I read, Tracey Miles chapter 7 of Stress-less Living. Ma

  17. I love to shop to get away and have me time. I live for Him. My core values are to love Him and be consumed by Him. This is difficult to spend time and be consumed when there are so many things vying for my attention and time. I want to live for Him and get in His word as much as possible so that my life overflows to others and so that they will know Him by love.

  18. Linda, you really have me thinking. I read this a few days ago and am still trying to figure out some of the answers. Upon reading the chapter in the book, I can say I’m not really addicted to adrenaline. I do make time for myself to read, think, talk to God, relax. It wasn’t always that way. Two boys 18 months apart…they are 26 and 28 yrs old now, so I have more time for me. My vice is food, no doubt about that one. I want to say I am living for God,but do my words and actions indicate that to God, myself and others? My core values are loving God, loving everyone. Knowing that every person I see on the street, or have contact with has been placed there by God and He wants me to make that positive impact on their day, their life or just that moment. Honoring myself and my values? Respect the temple that is my body. If this was a test in school, not sure how I would score 🙂 But I think that proves the depth of the questions and makes us all look a little deeper into our souls.

  19. Hello Linda. I found my way here through Karen Ehman’s blog. Nice to *meet* you. God really is amazing. I love how He leads us. I look forward to exploring you site further. Blessings.

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