A Soul Longing For More



Do you have a passionate intimate relationship with God?

I wish I could answer this question with a confident and resounding Yes!

I would like to write to you proclaiming that my every breath is undeniably filled with God’s presence that saturates my entire being…. that my life is completely satisfied longing for nothing more when it comes to a relationship with our Creator.

However, I refuse to be a fake, so I choose to share my truth with you.

Many days my relationship with God can be the absolute opposite from satisfied!

I find myself struggling desperately to make it through and wonder why life has to be so hard.  I question why everyone else around me seems to have it all together with this “Christian thing”.

Have you ever found yourself asking, “When is God’s word going to actually come alive in my life?”  I know I have.

When I find my soul anxiously searching, longing for more, the only thing I know to do is fight!  I get ticked off and then I am determined to fight for what is true.  Undeniably the best weapons to fight with are….


Proverbs 3:5 tells us to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” 

It’s ok when we experience times of uncertainty and feel a sense of longing.  We can boldly and confidently move past what we think to be “true” by simply trusting His promises in this one simple verse.

Is your soul longing for more?  How can you start to fill this desire?

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Coaching Women around the globe at www.lindakuhar.com.