Creating {Self-Love}

lorraine santana2

Over the past few weeks I’ve been on a bit of a quest to sincerely love myself.

This might sound like a no brainer to you, but I recently became shockingly aware that I could not give away what I don’t already have!

It broke my heart to face this reality.

After this eye-opening truth I said ENOUGH!

I will not continue to live a half-hearted life. And that is what led me to learning and creating self-love.

On my Inspirational Coaching Minute Vlog this week I asked what do you love to do so much that you lose track of time? For me, one of the things I love to do is create! Something about creating, painting, drawing brings my inner-self out and I become fully alive. I love myself in those moments and that is why I plan to make time to create more consistently.

This week I want to challenge you to take time do what you love doing and then take notice of how you feel about yourself.

I want to hear from you! What things would you do if you had endless amounts of time? Or what have you done this week to embrace self-love? Leave a comment below.

*Next Tuesday I will be doing a GIVE-AWAY on my blog!!!

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How To Love Yourself


Let’s get real here, every single person on this planet struggles with truly loving him or herself. I mean why in the world do we constantly numb ourselves with social media, food, work, alcohol, shopping, TV, Starbucks, fill in the blank________!

So how do we truly love ourselves?

Well, the first thing is to forget about following a “How To” step-by-step guide on loving yourself. If “How To” really worked then I would not be writing this blog post right now. Think about the millions of how to guides out there already.

Each one of us is a unique and special individual so what works for me might not work for you. However, there is one thing I’ve learned through many years of counseling and coaching that works every time.


What? How can community teach me how to love myself?

When we are around like-minded people we discover a sense of belonging that opens ourselves up to the possibility of acceptance {self-acceptance}, worth {self-worth}, and love {self-love}.

So what I would like to do is to invite you into a discussion on my blog today around numbing. What things are you using to avoid what you’re feeling?

I’ll go first! I eat carbs and sugars when I’m emotional! I’ll do a quick Starbucks run to give me a warm hug of comfort when I’m feeling sad. I’ll hop over to Social Media for a dose of comparison that will either puff up my ego or deflate it when I’m feeling insecure.

Ughhh! I did it! I shared with you some things that I’m not too proud of, but it’s out there. Now, will you join me in this discussion? What do you use to numb or avoid what your feeling?

Before we start this dialog, let’s pray the truth over our conversation.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

We stand together on Your divine word and claim it over our lives today. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1” We pray for strongholds to be broken as we come together in a community and discover how to truly love ourselves as You have always desired before time began. We pray for no judgment from one another, but simply love. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

I cannot wait to hear from you! Leave your comment below! ((hugs))

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