Creating {Self-Love}

lorraine santana2

Over the past few weeks I’ve been on a bit of a quest to sincerely love myself.

This might sound like a no brainer to you, but I recently became shockingly aware that I could not give away what I don’t already have!

It broke my heart to face this reality.

After this eye-opening truth I said ENOUGH!

I will not continue to live a half-hearted life. And that is what led me to learning and creating self-love.

On my Inspirational Coaching Minute Vlog this week I asked what do you love to do so much that you lose track of time? For me, one of the things I love to do is create! Something about creating, painting, drawing brings my inner-self out and I become fully alive. I love myself in those moments and that is why I plan to make time to create more consistently.

This week I want to challenge you to take time do what you love doing and then take notice of how you feel about yourself.

I want to hear from you! What things would you do if you had endless amounts of time? Or what have you done this week to embrace self-love? Leave a comment below.

*Next Tuesday I will be doing a GIVE-AWAY on my blog!!!

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How To Love Yourself


Let’s get real here, every single person on this planet struggles with truly loving him or herself. I mean why in the world do we constantly numb ourselves with social media, food, work, alcohol, shopping, TV, Starbucks, fill in the blank________!

So how do we truly love ourselves?

Well, the first thing is to forget about following a “How To” step-by-step guide on loving yourself. If “How To” really worked then I would not be writing this blog post right now. Think about the millions of how to guides out there already.

Each one of us is a unique and special individual so what works for me might not work for you. However, there is one thing I’ve learned through many years of counseling and coaching that works every time.


What? How can community teach me how to love myself?

When we are around like-minded people we discover a sense of belonging that opens ourselves up to the possibility of acceptance {self-acceptance}, worth {self-worth}, and love {self-love}.

So what I would like to do is to invite you into a discussion on my blog today around numbing. What things are you using to avoid what you’re feeling?

I’ll go first! I eat carbs and sugars when I’m emotional! I’ll do a quick Starbucks run to give me a warm hug of comfort when I’m feeling sad. I’ll hop over to Social Media for a dose of comparison that will either puff up my ego or deflate it when I’m feeling insecure.

Ughhh! I did it! I shared with you some things that I’m not too proud of, but it’s out there. Now, will you join me in this discussion? What do you use to numb or avoid what your feeling?

Before we start this dialog, let’s pray the truth over our conversation.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

We stand together on Your divine word and claim it over our lives today. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1” We pray for strongholds to be broken as we come together in a community and discover how to truly love ourselves as You have always desired before time began. We pray for no judgment from one another, but simply love. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

I cannot wait to hear from you! Leave your comment below! ((hugs))

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Who Are You?

What defines who you are?

For me, it’s always been my relational and/or career status. Either I’m a wife, mother, friend, Christian, Life Coach, writer or speaker. For as long as I can remember, I’ve never felt comfortable sitting with just being me, Linda. I’ve always felt like I needed something or someone to define me.

Lately my soul has been stirring three simple words…authenticity, truth, and realness.

A few weeks ago I was taking a walk through the woods with a very special friend. It was a beautiful day so we decided to stop and sit in the middle of the trail and continue our conversation. The next thing I knew we were literally laying on our backs just staring up at the sky laughing and chatting. In that moment I couldn’t help myself but take a quick picture, it was a little glimpse of heaven. (photo below)


Lying there, sharing my soul while laughing and crying, I felt authentic; truth and realness wash over me. I thought to myself, this is me, no pretense, no performance, simply me.

This might sound a little crazy, but over the past few months I’ve been in conflict with myself and couldn’t figure out why. And then as I was working through some of my coaching material it hit me right between the eyes. I’ve not been living out of my core values.

Everyone has unique values that are highly important to him or her. For me, my #1 value is authenticity. And if I live any other way, I end up lacking peace and joy in my life. Because it was so easy for me to get out of balance with my life values, I want to encourage you today to take a moment and write an inventory of what you value most. Ask yourself if you’ve been living out of your values and if not what will you do to get back on track.

I invite you to share with me in the comments your top 3 life values. I would love to hear from you!

If you would like to know more about my coaching services send an email to Contact me here for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

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I want to challenge YOU! Where are you feeling weak or defeated? What are you believing? YOU ARE STRONGER than you know! How do I know this? Because faith makes us stronger than anything humanly possible. I invite you to watch my video today and share with me what you see faith can do in a human being, what faith can do in your life? I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

If you would like to know more about my coaching services send an email to Contact me here for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

If you do not already receive my blog, click here to subscribe and get your free gift today! 

Just Live Today


Every October my mind drifts off into remembering the hell I experienced when I was literally paralyzed on life-support and the devastation my family had to face when they were told to accept the reality that I might die or if I survived that I would never walk or breath again on my own.

This year I’m creating new memories and a new attitude about the beautiful gift of life I’ve been given. For the month of October you can join me on Facebook or Twitter #JustLiveToday as I celebrate each day with an attitude of gratitude and I invite you to share with me what you’re grateful for as well!

Today, I am grateful for the LOVE others have poured into my life. One beautiful example of this love is from a dear friend and sister survivor Bonnie Wallace. She is an incredible writer, speaker and mentor to me. I have the honor of guest posting on her blog today and I would love for you to hop over there and leave a comment. If you do not already receive her blog click here to subscribe. Her messages give me inspiration and strength to live like I know where I’m going!

I appreciate YOU! I love that you are part of my blog community and doing life with you each week is a constant blessings! Grateful for you!!!

Honored to coach women around the globe at!





Inspirational Coaching Minute

What are you thinking about today?

“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” Joyce Meyer

I love what Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”

Leave a comment below and let me know what you choose to believe about yourself today.

Make sure to visit my blog Thursday! I have TWO GIVE-AWAYS with Holley Gerth!!! holleygiveaway

If you do not already receive my blog, click here to subscribe and get your free gift today!

I Said Yes!


As I was driving to my favorite office space (Starbucks) I started thinking about how cool it is that we can share our lives with people literally around the world all because of technology. I love that we no longer have to work in “the office” but can literally work from anywhere that has Wi-Fi?

Heck, I do my coaching sessions and even have coffee dates over Skype. Speaking of Skype, I have a coffee date scheduled with a new friend of mine, Holley Gerth in a few days.

Holley will be stopping by my blog on September 26 and we will be giving away some cool stuff that day so make sure to visit!

I’m so excited to introduce you to her! She is someone you will fall in love with if you don’t already know her. She is a best-selling author of Your’re Already Amazing as well as several other books and has her own line of awesome things at DaySpring.

When she spoke at the She Speaks conference I attended in July, she created such an intimacy with the audience. I felt as if I was the only person in the room she was talking with.

Holley asked us about our God-Sized Dreams. She helped us see past ourselves and into the vision God has for our lives.

I want to encourage you today that YOU too have a God-Sized Dream deep in your heart.

During my Yes to God bible study, I had huge breakthrough! I said Yes to God by embracing the authentic me, by letting go of perfection and comparison, which has freed me to completely pursue my God-Sized Dream!

Will you join me in a little coffee date today? Pour yourself a cup of coffee or your favorite drink, grab your journal and write out everything you’ve ever dreamed of doing. Think back to when you were a little girl. What dreams did you share with your best friend?

I want to hear all about you today! What did you discover during our coffee date? Leave a comment below.

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SEPTEMBER ONLY 50% OFF my most popular Coaching Package!

Join me here for the next Online Bible Study, A Confident Heart by Renee Swope.

Inspirational Coaching Minute (Winner)

Are you tired of struggling? Are you tired of fighting? Do you just want a break? Join me in prayer as we seek God for freedom.

Congratulations to Halona Lunah Yes To God Devotional Winner!!!

To receive my blog, click here to subscribe and get your free gift today! 

  SEPTEMBER ONLY 50% OFF my most popular Coaching Package!

Introducing Flashback Fridays starting September 20. Let’s share our then and now stories. How do you know God is REAL in your life today? Read my Flashback story here. Leave a voicemail on my blog by clicking send voicemail on the right of the screen or send an email to I’m excited to share our stories to build faith, hope and encouragement with each other!

How to be a Winner

howtobeawinner Everyone is trying to win at this game called life. Whether it’s trying to lose a few pounds, becoming a better friend, finding a new career or just getting the front row parking spot at the grocery. We are always trying to win.

I find myself every single day trying to win at something. And then reality sets in. I’m fighting for the unattainable. I’m fighting for perfection.

At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter if I’m just the right shape or how many friends I have on Facebook. What really matters is if I like me. And when I’m in a constant battle to win, the opposite becomes true and I end up hating me.

A few weeks ago, when I started feeling really down on myself and listening to those negative thoughts I did something completely different than I’ve ever done.

I quit! Yes. I quit!

With a tear-stained heart, I said I quit!

I VOW TO QUIT TRYING TO BE THE PERFECT:  writer, speaker, coach, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, …….

And for the first time in a long time I WON! After quitting, I felt exhilarated. I was unstoppable. I was confident. I was able to believe the complete TRUTH. I was able to live out Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Quitting gave me a fresh vision for my life.

I no longer have to strive for perfection.

I want to challenge you to QUIT today. In the comments section tell me what you are quitting and your name will be entered to WIN What Happens When Women Say Yes To God Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst. yestogoddevot   To receive my blog, click here to subscribe and get your free gift today! 

  SEPTEMBER ONLY 50% OFF my most popular Coaching Package!

Inspirational Coaching Minute~Give Away Time

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6,7

Leave a comment on how are you following God or how you are going to start and your name will be entered to WIN What Happens When Women Say Yes To God Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst.



To receive my blog, click here to subscribe and get your free gift today!

Introducing Flashback Fridays starting September 20. Let’s share our then and now stories. How do you know God is REAL in your life today? Read my Flashback story here. Leave a voicemail on my blog by clicking send voicemail on the right of the screen or send an email to I’m excited to share our stories to build faith, hope and encouragement with each other!